Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Review: Mr. Darcy Forever - Victoria Connelly

Estranged sisters Sarah and Mia Castle have spent a lifetime fighting over the men in their lives. They finally begin to make amends at the annual Jane Austen Festival in Bath, England. During the festival, the sisters realize that they can't bear to be apart. They discover that their sisterhood forms a bond stronger than their mutual connection as Jane Austen addicts. And in true Jane Austen fashion, they each begin to lose their hearts to dashing gentlemen.

Series: Austen Addicts #3, Genre: Jane Austen inspired fiction,  Pages: 320, Published: April 3, 2012, Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark, Source: For review

My thoughts:
The fact that I love Jane Austen inspired books is no secret. Little things that made me smile in this one was the mentioning about Austen Authors and 3 variations I do know well. It felt so real that way. The other thing is that I would sure love to visit the Jane Austen festival in Bath.

It's a part of the Austen Addicts series, but it's also a stand alone since it's all about new people and they have nothing do do with previous one. So no need to worry there.

And now to the story, here we have more the Sense and Sensibility theme. Two sisters, Sarah who has OCD and worries about her younger sister. Mia the younger one who is full of life and passion. Best of friends until something happens. Most of this book is therefore about the two of them, but they are not together. Both come to Bath for an Jane Austen Event and since there is romance, both might meet a dashing gentleman. A perfect Colonel Brandon and well I am not sure who the other one is, I guess Ferrars then.

We do not know drove them apart at first, it's a mystery that we learn more and more about. And it's so sad since they used to be so close. I also felt so sorry for Sarah because her sister at least understood her OCD and now she does not have anyone. While Mia seemed cheerful and so sad at the same time. So as I kept hoping they would find their way back I also wondered if that would be possible.

The romance is a bit fast, but in the spirit of JA and true love I am find with that. There should be HEAs and love at first sight (or second).

I do not think I will ever get tired of books like this one. They are in my blood and they just make me happy.



  1. I wondered about this book so I'm glad to see you liked it. I'll put it on the list :)

    1. I am quite the JA addict so the book sure fits me

  2. I love Austen spin-offs too.

  3. Eh is exactly what I think of that suit on the cover...

  4. I loved the first one, have the second one ready to read...can't wait to get to this one! I love these modern day adaptations.

    1. If you liked book 1 then I sure hope you will enjoy book 2 and 3 too :D I have actually not read the first one

  5. This sounds like a fun Jane Austen spin!

  6. I've been to Bath, and the magic of Austen is everywhere! I love it. This sounds like a really feel good novel.

    1. Lucky you :D I'd love to go there, and to dress up regency style too

  7. I adored this one and it's on top as a favorite for me!

  8. I was wondering when you would go back to the JA inspired books. I enjoy these as well.

    1. Hihi, yes it has sadly been a while now again, I nEED more

  9. I know a lot of people who would love this book.

  10. Hey, I didn't know that there is a Jane Austen festival in Bath! Bath is only about an hour away from me :)

    1. I wasn't sure either so I googled it and yes :D I think it was in September? Anyway they have lots of different events all the time it seems

  11. I feel like the cover doesn't capture the story...IDK. I didn't expect the story to be like that. >.<
    Anyways, I wasn't a fan of 'S&S', but I would like to give a try. I hope they did become close again. :3

    1. It's "Austen" there are HEAs so of course they become close again :)

    2. hahahaha I didn't put two and two...of course they do! How silly of me ^.^

    3. :D Now what a scandal if they had not made up, but it's all cos of that mystery

  12. Lovely review Blodeuedd, I am glad you liked this one. And well, two sisters just have to fight sometimes.

    1. I sure used to fight with my brother, I used to spit at his door

  13. A great review. If such books make you happy do not restrain yourself ;p.

  14. Thank you for your lovely review. This kind of book never comes to my part of the world but I do love reading about them.

    1. They never come to my part of the world either. But luckily for me there are online bookshops too

  15. I've heard really good things about this book, I may have to check it out.

  16. One of these days maybe I'll save up enought to go to the JA festival too.

  17. So glad to see you loved it. I'll be reading it soon. If you ever go to the festival in Bath, you better take me with you! ;)

    1. Yes you so would have to come with me, one cannot go to Bath alone after all

  18. Loved your review as a JA fan this one excites me! Adding to my list

    1. Great to hear :) These JA books are just the best

  19. I have heard nothing but good things about this series. I can't wait to read them!

  20. I *heart* Austin-type books! Seriously she was my first foray into romance :)

    1. I love them too :D Which is pretty obvious, lol


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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