Wednesday 1 May 2013

Review: Steel's Edge - Ilona Andrews

Charlotte de Ney is as noble as they come, a blueblood straight out of the Weird. But even though she possesses rare magical healing abilities, her life has brought her nothing but pain. After her marriage crumbles, she flees to the Edge to build a new home for herself. Until Richard Mar is brought to her for treatment, and Charlotte’s life is turned upside down once again.

Richard is a swordsman without peer, future head of his large and rambunctious Edger clan—and he’s on a clandestine quest to wipe out slavers trafficking humans in the Weird. So when his presence leads his very dangerous enemies to Charlotte, she vows to help Richard destroy them. The slavers’ operation, however, goes deeper than Richard knows, and even working together, Charlotte and Richard may not survive...

My thoughts:
 I have said it before, but it's just that the rest of the series was nit as good as book 1. That one was fresh and cool. It's not as the rest was not good, they were, just not as good.

Oh and now I am also a bit sad. I read that it said end of series. What? I think George and Sophie totally should get a book. Now I am disappointed to see the world go. Yes I am never happy.

Anyway. It's a about a Weird Healer and Richard Mar who met in previous books. Edger raised and now known as the Hunter. Together they hunt down some slavers. He is all calm and cool. And so is she, as she was raised to Nobility she had to be. Nothing can touch her. I did like her, and him and I guess they fitted together.

We also meet Jack and George again, yay. There is fighting, death, and a few surprises. A good whatever this genre is. Rustic fantasy she calls it, lol.

Cover Snark
She looks like she is 14 or something, weird 

The Edge #4
Paperback, 1st Edition, 388 pages
Published November 27th 2012 by Ace 
PS. Moving Day 1, I am dead, hopefulyl internet tomorrow


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, the girl does look a lotta young lol. I'm still on the Kate Daniels series (book two to be exact). Ugh, I'm sooo behind. I think I have the first book in The Edge sitting somewhere on my shelf.

    Hope moving in is going well =D

    1. Thanks, it's been tough though, but that's moving for ya

      Wohoo I love the Kate books

  3. You make me want to read Ilona Andrews. Happy moving!

  4. Oh my gosh, she does look WAY too young! It's a shame the series is over. Who knows, authors sometimes go back and write companion novels/e-novellas, so maybe you'll get your George and Sophie story someday. Hope your move is going well. :-) It's always such a pain!

    1. And she is over 30!

      Such an evil pain, but then again, I love our new place

  5. I love the break waves on the cover but she does look very young!

  6. Oh I want to try this series one day. I so love Kate Daniels. I know this is different, but want to read it too. :) Thank you.

  7. Interesting series! Good luck with moving.

  8. I've got the first 2 books in the series but 'meh' that they don't get better ... not sure I want to read them now lol
    Good luck with the move :)

  9. Jack and George sound good, but sorry it wasn't as good at 1st

  10. I'm so far behind in this series! I've only read book one, but if you say book one is the best, then maybe I don't necessarily need to get caught up. I do so love Ilona Andrews though:) Good luck with your move!

  11. I haven't gotten around starting this series yet but I hope I like it. I love Kate Daniels so it would be a shame if I didn't.

    1. It just was not as good as book 1, but maybe you will disagree

  12. Hope the move went smoothly, and yes she does look 14 on cover!

    1. Smoothly and smoothly, I am glad it was a holiday yesterday

  13. Thanks! Tell me about it! Will never move from here, a pain in the behind

  14. Hope all is going well on that! I love the ending part of moving...redecorating. Its like a new start!

    BTW, not a fan of the cover. Perhaps if I actually read previous books and that book I would understand it.

    1. I love fixing it up :D It looks so grown up

  15. I really loved this series B, and I do hope for more books too.

  16. she does look young, but the cover makes me want to read it!



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