Friday, 28 June 2013

ARC review: Forsaken by the Others - Jess Haines

Have a one night stand with a vampire, and you can end up paying for it for eternity. P.I. Shiarra Waynest, an expert on the Others, knows that better than most. Yet here she is, waking up beside charismatic vamp Alec Royce with an aching head…and neck. Luckily, Shia has the perfect excuse for getting out of town–namely, a couple of irate East Coast werewolf packs who’d like to turn her into a chew toy.

On Royce’s suggestion, Shia temporarily relocates to Los Angeles. But something is rotten–literally–in the state of California, where local vampires are being attacked by zombies. Who could be powerful enough to control them–and reckless enough to target the immortal? Following the trail will lead Shia to a terrifying truth, and to an ancient enemy with a personal grudge…

My thoughts:
There we have it again, Jess Haines is eeeeeeeevil! Evil I say! Darkness! Here I was reading and running through the fields with flowers in my hair when BAM! A truly evil cliffhanger that made me sit up and say noooo! And also it made me use way too many exclamation points in this paragraph.

What more can I say after that evil ending. I can't think now. I need the next book, I crave it. I mean an ending like that, oh man...I am being a horrible tease now. But she is very good at these kind of endings, you want more at once.

Ok the book (before the ending) was about a quick look at Shiarra and Royce. Kissing ;) Aww Royce, still way too little Royce in this one. Cos Shiarra and Sarah goes to LA. Meets the vampire master of LA. Meets a werewolf and most important of all, zombies! Zombies are running amok and it's up to Shiarra to figure out why.

Zombies, danger and Shiarra dealing with the after effects of book 4 and there are quite a few. I do wonder what will happen with her strange blood...

So here I am, waiting for the next book. I can't even imagine where the events in this one will take her. Recommended series. If you want urban fantasy then look here.


H&W Investigations #5
Urban fantasy
Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: July 2nd 2013 by Zebra
For review


  1. I have the first book and really need to read it soon. Everyone loves this installment and is going crazy over it but I guess I have to catch up first.

    1. It's just...just...omg I can't say anything, but I so wanna

  2. GAH! Cliffies??? NOOOOoooOOOOO!

    I know now that when I get this one I'll have to get the next one before I start it. Luckily (I think?) I'm still needing to start the first book. So, I have time.

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! I mean noooo! Lol

      Nah, you must read it at once and then long for it

  3. The flowers are long gone and now I sit here and wait for the next one ;)

    Have a great weekend you too!

  4. *struts around flashing Evil Author badge*

    Hee! I can't say I'm sorry about the cliffhanger, but I'm very glad to hear you're looking forward to book 6. In discussions about the title and release date with my editor, so hopefully I'll have some news about that for you soon.

    Enjoy your weekend, and thanks so much for the review!


    1. Yes that evil author badge is so yours, wear it with evil pride ;D

      Ohhh news news, I need news down here in the black hole you left me. Nah I am good, I am just super excited about book 6 cos it was such a cool evil cliffie. Darkness ahoy

  5. Killer cliffies are the worst! Glad it was good till the drop and I hope you recover soon!

    1. It was such a good evil cliffie too. Some are just evil, but this one was evil in a good way cos it promises one heck of a next book

  6. I am on vacation until July 15!!!

    ...unfortunately, I am packing and moving and not doing anything fun.

  7. I love a good cliffhanger. Good things come to those who wait!

    1. That they do, now I will pretend this book does not exist and me all yay book 6 when it comes

  8. Excuse my drooling right now which is what your review has done to me, you evil woman! :))) As soon as I'm finished with Hunted I'm starting this one. CAN'T WAIT!

    1. Go read faster!
      *cracks whip*
      Faster I said

  9. lol the visual of you running is awesome!
    Glad this book was a great one even though you now have to wait for the next one. Writer author write!

    1. Hehe, I just did not know how else to tell it ;)
      Yes write faster :D

  10. This book sounds really good, but I'll want to start with #1. I'm going to add this series to my wishlist.

  11. A truly evil cliffhanger? Uh oh. Sounds like this is a series I should start when all the books are out so I don't get an ulcer from the stress of waiting for the next one!

    1. A truly evil one yes...still an awesome one that was good cos it promises cool things to come, ok evil things to come

  12. Lol great review B! I am looking forward to reading this one soon :)

  13. I really liked this one and I can't wait to read the sequel now!

  14. LOL! I think she's been doing this to you with the last book, or two. :D Glad you are loving them.

  15. I NEED to get back to this series! I read the first book and really enjoyed it but haven't continued on from there. Sounds like I better get my butt in gear! Great review :)

    1. Yes yes you need to. And maybe you will read the other books and then have book 6 close enough

  16. zombies, danger and great kissing sounds great to me.

  17. Arghh I hate evil cliffhangers but won't stop me reading it lol

  18. I have first books on this series, I just need to find the time to read them.

  19. Sounds like another kick-ass series to put on my list!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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