Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Author Interview and giveaway: Jayne Fresina

Today’s author interview is with Jayne Fresina.


1. Could you tell me 3 fun facts about yourself?
JF: When I cook I like to pretend I'm on my own cooking show (as long as there's no one watching). I love the smell of new shoes and shoe boxes so much I wanted to work in a shoe store when I was a child. I like texting stupid messages to my husband during the day, just to annoy him.

2. Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts with Scandal (quite the mouthful!) is your new book. A little info
about it to new readers?
JF: Lady Mercy arrives in the village to attend her best friend's wedding, but finds herself having to step in and try to fix things when the bride gets cold feet. Unfortunately, Lady Mercy has some past history with the jilted groom, who calls her "Lady Bossy Drawers", and he quickly assumes she has something to do with this. It just so happens that this isn't the first runaway bride he's known and he now blames Mercy for both.  

3. It is a part of a series, but can a reader just jump in feet first or do they need to know the beginning?
JF: It's the third in the Sydney Dovedale series, but it's not necessary to have read the previous two books. Lady Mercy and several characters in this book have appeared in the previous stories also, but now they are all grown up!

4. As someone who knows the beginning, oh what a little pest Mercy was in book 2. Was she fun to write?
JF: Very much so. Some readers might find her annoying in the beginning - I understand that perfectly, because she's very confident and opinionated - but she has some personal issues to work through. Eventually, in this book, she learns that not everything in life can be controlled or kept in neat and tidy order. And it wouldn't be much fun if it was. She learns to let her hair down a little. After all, who's perfect?

5. What is coming next from you?
JF: The next and final book in the Sydney Dovedale series. The story line for Miss Molly Robbins Designs a Seduction actually runs parallel to the plot here in Lady Mercy's story, because when Molly Robbins becomes a runaway bride in Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts with Scandal, she goes off to London on her own adventure, which readers will learn all about in the fourth book.


1 copy of The Wicked Wedding of Miss Ellie Vyne 

1.US and Canada
2. Ends July 6th
3. Just enter, as simple as that


When a Perfectly Proper Lady...
Lady Mercy Danforthe always has a plan. It's what makes her such a successful matchmaker, and why she's obligated to spend a great deal of time generously organizing the lives of her friends and family. But there's one man beyond her help. One man whose recklessness she can't rein in; whose chaos she can't contain. Her ex-husband, Rafe Hartley. Her one—and only!—mistake.

Flirts with a Reckless Rogue...
Rafe has never forgiven Mercy for running out on him. Their hastily annulled marriage may have one lasted three hours, but that doesn't mean he needs her help finding a proper wife. Someone needs to teach little Miss Know-It-All a lesson about keeping her adorably freckled nose out of other people's business. And it just so happens that Mercy "Silky Drawers" Danforthe still owes him a wedding night...

A Scandal's Never Far Behind!

Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England, the youngest in a family of four girls.  Entertained by her father’s colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters— all with far more exciting lives than hers— she’s always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines. Look for the fourth book in the Sydney Dovedale Series, Miss Molly Robbins Designs a Seduction in March 2014. For more information, please visit

To purchase Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts with Scandal


  1. Would love to win this book.
    Thank you.

  2. this one sounds like the cutest one yet! thanks!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  3. Pretending to have your own cooking show sounds fun. I need to try that - might make cooking less of a chore for me!

  4. Great interview. No need to enter me. I'd have to read the other ones first. I'm weird that way. Lol.

  5. it's actually a lot of fun, Diana, although don't get caught talking to yourself!

  6. This sounds like fun! I also loved the interview. This author sounds like she has a good sense of humor which I'm sure translates to her work. Oh enter me into the contest. :)

  7. thanks for the nice interview!

  8. Thanks for the interview Jayne :)

  9. I wish I was on my own cooking shoe when cooking, because I am sure someone else cleans up!! While new shoe smells don't make me swoon, the smell of books do! Great interview and the book/series sounds wonderful!

  10. True about the clean-up! Plus all the fiddly chopping and prep work...I'm sure that gets done by interns. I really enjoyed the interview. Thanks for inviting me on today! :)

  11. Sounds like a very good read!

  12. Sounds really good, thanks for the chance.

    mlawson17 at Hotmail dot com

  13. I think I want to check into the first book but this one sounds pretty good too! Would love to win it!

  14. Thanks for the interview and giveaway. This is a new series for me.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  15. I'm with Felicia, this sounds completely adorable and it's going on my list!

  16. I think pretending to be on your on cooking show would make it fun for cooking. :) Thank you for sharing about the books and yourself. :)

  17. Jayne's fun facts made me smile, sounds like her books are delightful fun too. I'll keep an eye out for the series.

  18. Oh, this looks interesting! Thanks for sharing with us. I love finding new books by new authors! I also love this genre and I always wonder what made the author choose to write for this genre? Did they just fall into it or was it a planned and calculated move?
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  19. Thanks all for stopping by!

  20. Hi Meghan - for me it was something I discovered in my teens. I loved reading historical romance, so the writing probably came naturally from that. Although I have tried my hand at other genres too! My first book contracted to an agent was literary fiction, but sadly no publisher picked it up.:(

  21. Love historical romance, looks like a great read.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  22. Enjoyed the interview. Mercy sounds like a great heroine.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  23. Sounds like a wonderful book. I would love to read it. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  24. Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by to say hi!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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