Friday, 14 June 2013

Review: Hubble Bubble - Jane Lovering

Be careful what you wish for …

Holly Grey only took up witchery to keep her friend out of trouble – and now she’s knee-deep in hassle, in the form of apocalyptic weather, armed men, midwifery … and a sarcastic Welsh journalist.

Kai has been drawn to darkest Yorkshire by his desire to find out who he really is. What he hadn’t bargained on was getting caught up in amateur magic and dealing with a bunch of women who are trying really hard to make their dreams come true.

Together they realise that getting what you wish for is sometimes just a matter of knowing what it is you want …

My thoughts:
I liked that you could make up your own mind about what happened in this book. Did they really do magic? Or was it just by chance? I will go with magic cos magic is always cooler.

Holly was a practical woman. She takes care of her brother. She does not do long term relationships. She does not see the big problem in her own life. But I liked that about her, it brings the drama in a good way. She needs to think about what she really is doing and then she can move on.

The love interest then, oh how these two jumped around each other and never got it done right. Kai is a journalist with issues of his owns that he is trying to deal with. 2 emotionally scarred people finding their way, and each other. It was a long way there, but for these it just could not happen fast. That would have made no sense.

Yes yes the witchy stuff. They form a circle, things gets spooky, and there are creepy men in the woods. Things gets scary too. Not all is what it seems. And maybe the circle gets some happy endings of their own too ;)

Magic or no magic? Drama., love and friendship is what this book brings.

Not a fav but it works for the story

Women's fiction
Paperback, 356 pages
Published June 7th 2013 by Choc Lit
For review


  1. Magic always comes with a price dearie....lmao

  2. This sounds like fun and something I would enjoy. I'd go with magic myself as well! :)

    1. I do like magic, if it was real, but hey we can always dream and here I wanna think it was real

  3. Magic is cooler and this sounds like a good read!

  4. I like it when you're not sure if the magic was real or not. Cool. Happy Weekend!!!

  5. Nice review, I will add this one to my wishlist. And I do like the cover.

    1. It does fit so well with the story and is a bit quirky

  6. After reading your review I forgot the title of this book almost instantly - so no, not for me.

  7. This sounds good. I enjoy books where I have to kind of make up my own mind about something.

    1. I like that too, I get to choose what to think

  8. I like books about magic and I just love the cover too

    1. If I only had some real magic of my own :) You know, slow time and read more

  9. Sounds creepy and cool and I love books about magic. Glad the romance takes its time since they're so emotionally scarred. Great review!

    1. I do like it when that happens cos it feels real. Why rush into things?

  10. This sounds like witchery (don't care if it's not a word) for beginners. I like.

    1. Haha, I like using words that are not real ;)

  11. It sounds like something I'd enjoy, Blodeuedd. Thank you! :)

  12. Magic, or no magic it sounds like a good one.

  13. I'll go with magic with you. :) Sounds like a nice read.


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