Sunday 4 May 2014

2 Reviews: Jaye Wells

Now that the threat of war has passed, Sabina Kane is ready to focus on the future. Her relationship with Adam Lazarus is getting stronger and she's helping her sister, Maisie, overcome the trauma of her captivity in New Orleans. Even Giguhl is managing to stay out of trouble thanks to the arrival of Pussy Willow and his new roller derby team. But as much as Sabina wants to feel hopeful about the future, part of her doesn't trust that peace is possible.

Her suspicions are confirmed when a string of sadistic murders threaten to stall treaty negotiations between the mages and the vampires. Sabina pitches in to find the killer, but her investigation soon leads her down dark paths that have her questioning everyone she thought she could trust. And the closer she gets to the killer, the more Sabina begins to suspect this is one foe she may not be able to kill.

My thoughts:
If I did not like this series I would totally have said the book was meh, and now I wonder, I want to give it a good grade, but I am frustrated.... Still if I did not have book 5 I would have let it go. I would have wanted to read the next just to see even if annoyed me and last but not jumped at it. As it was I DID have book 5 so I DID jump at it. I just wanted to end the series and see what happens. Just get rid of it.

Cos it struggled, nothing happened and it never built up to anything. Book 3 had the same issues, but there is suddenly got so good I could not put it down at the end. Here it just stagnated.

So please let the last book be awesome again, cos else I will be left hanging with the meh feeling and that does not bode well for wanting her new series.

Ok, and I am still disappointed.


Paperback, 405 pages
Published January 5th 2012 by Orbit (first published January 1st 2012)
Sabina Kane #4
urban fantasy

Sabina Kane is on the hunt. Her prey: Cain, the father of the vampire race and the one who murdered her family and her friends. Unfortunately, Cain is hunting Sabina, too. The one man who holds the key to defeating Cain is, of course, Abel. A mage with secrets to spare and, hopefully, the power to match it. Unfortunately, for Sabina, he's in Rome and may not want to be found. 

Sabina sets out for Italy with her friends, Giguhl and Adam Lazarus, to track down the only man who can get her the revenge she hungers for. But will he help her or oppose her? And just who is Abel, really? Worst of all, when Sabina figures out the goddess Lilith has a plan for her-she realizes this trip is getting deadlier by the minute. 

As they say: when in Rome-SURVIVE.

My thoughts:
I think one word to sum this up would be disappointment. Sure at times it was a 3 but mostly it was just ok.

I had problems with the dialogue and just general stuff. I mean freaking Lilith! I would expect her not to talk like everyone else, same with Asmodeous. It was all too haha mum and dad in hell. So scary...not!

Sabina, whatever, running around like a headless chicken.

Adam has no balls.

Gighul stopped being funny in book 3.

Even Maisie being dead made me roll my eyes.

I wished I had only gotten book 3 and given up, instead of getting them all and not other books. So now I am angry about that too. I spent money on books that sucked.

So no, I do not recommend this series.

must I

352 pages
Published May 22nd 2012 by Orbit
Sabina Kane #5


  1. I'm sorry it's not as good as it was now... I really liked this series. One day I'll have to post my reviews too.

  2. Pretty much. I was way over Gighul, and Maisie . . . just, why?

  3. Oh... sorry it was so disappointing. :(

  4. Wow. That's very direct, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS SERIES. I wonder if her new series is any better...

  5. LOL about your cover non-comments! :D

    1. That happens when I am just too I am done!

  6. Bummer, it sounds like this series just fell apart.

  7. See i would have given up after two 'meh' books. You have way mored dedication than I do?

    1. I would have but damn, I had bought the books and by Loki I would finish the series

  8. Oh I was just getting interested in the series. But I'm not sure now if I should try.

  9. I'm sorry you didn't like these, but you tried.

  10. I'm sorry you were disappointed but your review made me laugh hehe

  11. It's always such a bummer when you have a series you love that goes downhill over time. Well, I'll pass on this but check out her new series and cross my fingers!


    1. It made me so sad, I wish I had not bought them all

  12. sorry to hear these were disappointing

  13. Sorry hombre, having some bad eggs in a series is normal.

  14. Even though I like this series I have to agree with you, these books "quality" (I couldn't find a better word) fluctuate a lot.

    1. I can like books that are cheesy in a way but these were just bad

  15. I agree! This series could have ended in such a better way. I am curious about her new series, but not quite enough to buy it yet. I'll have to look around for reviews.

    1. I am curious, but after these, I just can't

  16. bummer but you sure gave it a go :(

  17. I'm sorry to hear these didn't work for you, but I appreciate your honest reviews, now I don't think I'll bother with this!

  18. Pff I read book 1 and really did not like it, so why did I buy the whole series secondhand after all? Because so many other people love this series like crazy ... I should trust my own judgement more and stop giving second chances. Not sure if I will ever read them all now thanks to your reviews B.

    1. And why did I buy them all? Sighs, cos I actually liked book 1 and had hopes that CRASHED AND BURNED



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