Thursday 7 January 2016

How I came to sparkle again - Kaya McLaren

In a small Colorado ski town called Sparkle, second chances come with the winter's fresh snow. 

Jill Anthony spent her youth in the ski town of Sparkle, Colorado, and more than a decade has passed since she left. When a devastating tragedy coupled with the worst kind of betrayal makes her want to do nothing but run away, the only place she knows to go is home: Sparkle.

Lisa Carlucci looks in the mirror one morning and realizes that she no longer wants to treat her body like a Holiday Inn. She's going to hold out for love. The only problem is, love might come in the form of her ski bum best friend, who lives next door with his ski bum friends in a trailer known as "the Kennel."

Cassie Jones, at age ten, has lost her mother and no longer believes in anything. Her only solace comes from the messages she believes her deceased mother is sending her through the heart-shaped rocks they once collected in the streams and hills of Sparkle.

Three people at the crossroads of heartbreak and healing. Three lives that will be changed one winter in Sparkle, Colorado. One tender, funny, tear-jerking novel you won't soon forget: How I Came to Sparkle Again by Kaya McLaren.

My thoughts:
A bit of romance, a bit of grief, a bit of fun.

I miss snow!!!!!!!!!!!!! *mutters something about -24c and no freaking snow*

There are 3 POVS. Jill, who lost a baby and found out her husband is a d#ck. She comes home to Sparkle to rest and find herself. And she does find just that.

Lisa, Jill's old friend. Lisa has not settled, she likes men, but now she wants more. I think Lisa was the one with the smallest POV, but I was happy to see her find her happiness.

The last one is Cassie, a child who lost her mother to cancer. Yes I never told you this was a happy book. She is sad and lashes out, but will find a way to move on and still remember.

Sweet at times, sad at times. I liked the Kennel guys (where Jill stayed), and it was nice to see the POVS find something more in life.


Paperback, 368 pages
Published October 1st 2013 by St. Martin's Griffin (first published October 2nd 2012)
Romantic fiction


  1. You can have our snow. After a week, I'm totally over it. :D

  2. I miss snow too! We haven't had any yet this year and that is unacceptable. I need at least one good snow!

  3. The combo of sweet and sad seem to be well balanced

  4. Sounds cute if sad!

  5. Finland does not stop cos of blizzards. The only time mum ever let me stay home was when it was -35c. Now i'd have to go to work

  6. I like the cover, but I avoid reading things that describe themselves as "tear-jerkers."

    1. It did not really make me sad, made me mad though

  7. Sounds like a nice read! Mmmmm we have had like NO snow either this year. 0_0
    *cough*and global change doesn't exist, nutters the lot of them *cough*

    1. Last year was the warmest ever, it rains more than usual. But whatever, global warming can not be true since it is colder in some places! *headdesk*

  8. Like the sound of this one. Can't believe you have no snow yet. Was just looking a few days ago at exact placing of Finland. If no snow for you what chance anywhere else.

  9. Is there any romance? I like these kinds of reads.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  10. It's cold enough to snow here, but no snow. :(

    This sounds like a great winter read. I like it when books show a variety of story threads in the same setting.

    1. It can be fun, and especially since they all intertwine

  11. This sounds interesting, the mix of sad but sweet can be a good combination.

  12. Many things in this one. I get you for the snow, too warm here, 15°C today... not sure it's for this year

  13. I have this on my kindle so I'll move it up the list.

  14. This sounds good..but I should probably have tissues and truffles handy.

  15. I love how fitting the title is. Sweet.

  16. Ahh would need to be in just the right mood to be able to handle the sad. Glad there was some light and sweet in it too :D

  17. I saw another recent review for How I Came to Sparkle Again that was very positive. I would like to give it a try. I like a book that can make me feel something. Thanks for the review.

    1. You did? Cool :) I had not really seen it before I found it at the library

  18. oh boo. -24 and no snow?! we have tons of snow and close to -30 temps. that's Canada for ya.

    1. So weird, we should have so much snow by now

  19. Too much sadness for me to enjoy it I think. But glad you liked it.

  20. I'll put this one in the maybe pile.

  21. I read this one and enjoyed it. I agree that the different POVs were interesting. I felt very bad Cassie and was happy to see the way everything turned out. :)

    1. I was happy the way it turned out, good for Cassie

  22. my type of read ... my list already has indigestion but it's going on :)



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