Monday, 16 May 2016

Alpha Ever after - Jessica Sims

Connor's loved Savannah from the moment he laid eyes on her. She's his mate, no matter what she says. 

Savannah's hated the Anderson pack ever since they kidnapped her. That fateful week had big consequences, though, and now she's pregnant with Connor's twins. He's elated. She's...less enthusiastic. She wants the babies but him? Not so much. He's a bossy werewolf who thinks he can dictate what she does. She's a were-cougar who won't be pushed, especially not by a know-it-all wolf alpha. 

So why is it every time that she tries to move on, he's right there waiting for her? And why does she compare everyone else to a certain tall, dark wolf? Why does she crave Connor more than pickles and ice cream? 

My thoughts:
I have no idea how she does it, but this is like one of the 1% pnr that I can still read. She is just that good, but then I like all her books.

The Anderson pack is bad, but Connor is good and he has been in love with a cat forever. Savannah does not see him, silly Savannah, look at the hot wolf! But then the Andersons are assholes, trust me, assholes! As they kidnap her to get an exchange for a wolf.

And that is how Connor and Savannah meet again. Her a captive, him a angry guard. A guard that will protect her to death. Aww Connor, I do not mind you going all alpha, she really should be protected.

The drama, oh girl, you be stupid. I would have forgiven him. 
Awwww Connor, he watches and wants her, but wants her to choose. Awwww.
And yes we all know she will eventually get that he is the best mate for her, but the road there is fun to watch. He becomes a little less alpha when he understand that a cat can not be pushed, a cat will do whatever the f a cat wants ;)

The best pnr you can read

Not staring at his...

Kindle Edition, 200
Published May 10th 2016 by Jill Myles
Midnight Liaisons #5
Paranormal romance
For review


  1. Honestly....I couldn't read the summary or the review....the cover is very...eye-catching?

  2. Hahaha...oh girl you be stupid cracked me up!!

  3. haha... how can you NOT stare at his??

    I loved Jill's Succubus series and I've read some novellas in this series. I want to read this one a lot, but can I just jump in without reading the earlier titles?

    1. It's way too hard to look away...omg I did not just write that

      I have not read every book in this series, I have read a book here a novella there. You can totally just jump in

  4. That's a good one, and quite a racy cover. How is your week going? Have a good one!

    1. It's going...not so well, I hope yours is better

  5. Wow - now that's a cover! lol

    I miss good PNR. Glad to know it's still out there.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  6. Glad to hear you enjoyed! And lmao that cover is one hard to miss :P

  7. You're so busy not staring you didn't even complain he didn't have a face!

  8. ...yes you are... :D

    I'm so going to have to read this author with a recommendation like that!

  9. Excuse me while I drool over that cover.

  10. Yeah, impossible not to stare at that cover and ponder what's under those tighty whities

  11. Her books are so fun. I've only read her time travel pnr. I need to try these next I think.

  12. That cover is awful! So shameless, lol.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  13. One of these days, Jessica Sims' books and I will become acquainted. I do enjoy a good PNR and it's fun that the cat/dog rivalry is part of this one.

    Yep, I stared. That cover is cheating. Haha!

    1. It's mesmerizing!
      And yes you really have to try her books, I like them all, the Myles ones, the SIms ones, the Clare ones

  14. it's great wheny ou have a good author like that in a genre

  15. Ohhh that's the highest praise you've ever given in all the time I've been visiting your blog!

    "the best PNR you can read"

    1. Lol, but yes that is true from my side :)

  16. It's a little hard to not stare at the cover.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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