Tuesday, 26 January 2021

TMST: Re-Reading


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

Do you reread? And are you ever tempted to change your ratings when you do?

I do re-read! Sadly I do not have enough time for it these days, so many other books! But I did re-read The Others by Anne Bishop, and I started on Heartstrikers by Rachel Aaron. I re-listened :D There is nothing like a good re-read, because you know that you will love it. Well, most of the time.

There is where the second question comes in. Last year I re-read a book (I tried to listen but it was so bad), that I had liked and it was not good, not good at all! I did want to change my rating, but I did not. I loved that book the first time around, but I had changed, my life had changed and now it was not at all to my liking. Even though I had loved it it was not one of my will cherish it forever books so I did not really feel bad about not loving it. But if it happens to Heartstrikers, oh my heart will break.

2/2/2021 Share some of your favorite books written by POC authors.

2/9/2021 How has your reading changed since the pandemic started?

2/16/2021 Share some of your favorite romantic stories/books.


  1. I found myself re-reading a bunch of favourites during lockdown last year, so yeah. They tend to boost me up when I'm feeling down. :D

  2. Fantastic post Blodeuedd. The only time I re-read is when I find a book I love and then pick it for a bookclub read. I understand how changes in your age and attitudes could change your feelings about a book.

    1. For a bookclub read then yes a re-read is quite in order :D

  3. I re-read a little. Mostly older books that I read a long time ago.

  4. I had a difference in which a book I didn't like, I reread it and I liked it which doesn't always happen but it's actually nice.

    I think some books you read when you're younger and then reread in later years just aren't the same experience because you're a different person back then. I'm sad for you that you didn't like that favorite book book of yours but it does happen. I notice also some books I used to love but now I find them a bit too unlikeable.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. That is quite different! I am glad it worked like that too

      Well, I read it like 7 years ago so I was not little ;) I have no idea how it could have changed so much

  5. That's why I don't view it as changing the rating when I re-read... It's a new read so a new/second rating. It happens sometimes. And sometimes I like a book better the second time around.

    1. I really like your point and have to incorporate it

  6. I love a good re-read but I am always afraid that I won't like anymore.

  7. Nope, don't reread, but I want to. Too many new books on my plate, though one day at some point when I'm not blogging anymore, I'll definitely go back to my favorites!

    1. Last year was a re-read for me, but we all needed comfort then

  8. Yes, audios are making it a nice incentive to do lots of re-reading.

  9. I like to re- read too, and don't do it enough! I'm sure Heartstriker will stay good!!!

  10. I haven't re-read my books in YEARS! But I want to!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  11. I can see one being conflicted about rating an old favourite that didn't stand the test of time. My reasoning is, even if it's not the book's fault if one doesn't like it anymore, reviews are always subjective, so there's no shame in changing your rating (or update your review) after a second rating. But if your heart can't take it, it's OK to leave that review alone!

    1. My poor heart felt so torn, and it was strange cos it was not that many years since I read it


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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