Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Review: Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy - Sharon Lathan

Mr & Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy by Sharon Lathan

Two shall become one
Book 1

Genre: Historical romance
Published: 2009
Pages: 320

It's Darcy and Elizabeth's wedding day, and the journey is just beginning as Jane Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice characters embark on the greatest adventure of all: marriage and a life together filled with surprising passion, tender self-discovery, and the simple joys of every day.

As their love story unfolds in this most romantic of Jane Austen sequels, Darcy and Elizabeth reveal to each other how their relationship blossomed. From misunderstanding to perfect understanding and harmony, theirs is a marriage filled with romance, sensuality, and the beauty of a deep, abiding love.

This was different in a way because it was focused on the latest pride and prejudice movie. I read something really funny on Goodreads where a reader wondered about this since it is universally acknowledged that the 1995 version is superior. I do confess that I played the latest movie in my head, but with Colin Firth and Jennifer Eale as Darcy and Lizzy. Because I love Firth as Mr Darcy.

I also read that readers found it very erotic and such, well then they have never read anything even close to erotic. Ok they did it a lot! But they were newlyweds, and nothing was described, if you didn't know you could just thought they were kissing and then cuddling. Nothing close to graphic, or like in other historical romances. It was very sweet and it went well with the feel of P&P. And since this takes place at the wedding and some months afterward, well who can blame them if they want to spend it kissing ad loving each other.

So by that you have already figured out that they are very much in love and they spend some time expressing that. They also move on with their normal life. Lizzy trying to find her place and Pemberly, and then the Christmas parties where we meet Col.Fitzwilliam,  Georgina and more again. I would have loved to meet the Bingleys here too, but I guess I must continue with the next to find out how that is going.

There is also some storm clouds on the horizon so everything is not happy happy.

A cute and sweet book about a subject so may have thought about, how would married life be for Darcy and Lizzy. Well here is one answer.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner: Very fitting
Reason for Reading: My own book
Final thoughts: My first PP sequel (if not counting the vampire one), and I was happy.

Remember to stop by on Friday for the guestpost by Sharon and the giveaway of all 3 books.


  1. Sounds like a sweet one. I haven't read any of the P&P "sequels" except the zombie thing, but I'm becoming more and more tempted.

  2. Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, yeah, I heard a lot about it too, haven't seen the BBC series though. Is it me or was there an influx of Austen inspired releases last year? I feel like I'm on of the few who still has to read the original work *hides behind desk now*

  3. There are so many Austen sequels out! I don't know how people pick just one to read. This sounds cute and fun, though I still am not sure if I am ok reading a P&P sequel. For some reason, I like the way they continue in my head better than anyone else's interpretation.

  4. I've read a few P&P storylines, but no sequels. I've heard good things about these books.

  5. Oh, I have this book in my bookshelf but I haven't read it yet. I want to read my copy of P&P first. I might consider moving them both up in my TBR pile though. Great review :)

  6. Oh I would really like to read this I loved PandP! Thanks for the great review!

  7. This one is going on my list for the P&P challenge I'm doing!!

  8. Carol,
    Lol oh yes zombies and vampires, well none here at all ;)
    Sequels can be fun, and there are sure many Austen out there now.

    have not see it! have not see it! Oh girl, you do not know what you are missing, he is so dark and brooding and an absolute hunk :D
    But yes a lot of Austen out there, and to be honest, I prefer the movies to the original works. The blasphemy

  9. Aarti,
    Yes I know, this one kind of landed in my lap. That is the one I managed to mooch on bookmooch.
    But I do understand, to keep that own idea in your own head.

    I am glad I finally read one, and to tempt you, well a lot, a lot of smexy things going on

  10. Ladybug,
    Oh you have it, cool :) But yes you can always freshen up on PP first.

    I just love everything Austen! :D

    Cool :D Good luck with it. Better read about seamonsters, vamps and zombies too

  11. Oh Blodeuedd, I am glad to see that you enjoyed this one. You always enlighten me on different genres! And you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for giving me another book to look at!
    Hope all is well honey!

  12. Looking forward to the Guest Post! :)

  13. Hi Cecile,
    Lol, it is my curse, to love so many genres that each time I log in I find a new book to read ;)
    Or blessing, well perhaps not moneywise.
    have a great day hon!

    It will eb fun :D

  14. This one looks really good -- it is fun to imagination what happened after the end of P&P!

  15. DC
    I know, I sure did :D
    Or perhaps mostly how great it would be to live at Pemberley and be married to darcy

  16. I've heard so many good things about this series. I'd love to read them one of these days.

  17. I love these characters so I'll have to read this "sequel." Funny how everyone's opinion of 'erotic' is different. This sounds like fun. Thanks for the review!

  18. Another brilliant review that makes me want to run out and get the book. You take care.

  19. Dar,
    I do want to read more now, mostly cos I wanna know how Jane and Bingley is doing.

    It sure is, and historical romances these days are sure more out there in a way, but even if there was plenty here it was not in your face with details. But that is up to each person

    Thanks Simone,
    Have a lovely weekend :D

  20. I love Firth as Darcy too!

    Haven't read this, but it looks good - a different take, and I like that! - thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  21. I really want to read this one since I love P&P. I have read so many sequels to it and this one sounds pretty good. :)

  22. Thank you, Blodeuedd, for reviewing my first novel. I did not see this entry until I came over today to link to my guest post. How wonderful! Your thoughts are excellent. I love the humor within your review. :)

    Rest assured that everyone created by Jane Austen is in my other novels. Life is continued on for them all, as well as quite a few new characters created by me. I appreciate the review and am delighted that you enjoyed my vision of happily ever after.

  23. Sharon,
    Thanks :) People do seem to say that often, about the humour that is, so I am glad you think so. I want them to be fun to read.

    Yes I had the book, then I got an email and saw a chance to read it and have you over for a guest post.

    Yay, then I can't wait for the Bingleys. And I did enjoy your new characters.

  24. Colin Firth = dreamy!

    I read this one when it was first released, and I agree it's a sweet story. However, I wish there had been more of a plot; it just seemed like pages of lovey dovey talk. Still, I might check out the other books at some point.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  25. Anna,
    Lol, oh yes, just too dreamy.

    Well I can agree with you on that, there was a lot, but that was just what I needed right then. I do wonder if the next 2 are just like that

  26. I love Sharon's writing style and have adored her novels for a few years now. For those of you that love a happy romantic ending to a brilliant story Sharon delivers all of this and so much more in her beautifully written, sensual romantic funny historical and even dramatic scenes throughout. ENJOY!
    TSBO devotee

  27. vee
    Glad to meet a fan of hers :) Thanks for stopping by!

  28. Hi B!

    Great review, I love the classics!

    I've seen so many takes on the classics and what happens next, so glad they're finally in print!

    Dottie :)

  29. Dottie,
    And they keep making more, I read something about Anne Karenina and androids, haha.
    Well at least this is a fully normal book


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