Friday, 29 January 2010

Review: Web of Deceit - Darlene Cox

Web of Deceit by Darlene Cox

Genre: Fiction, thriller, mystery
Pages: 272
Published: August 2009

Peter Brock is a man to be envied. He is young, handsome, intelligent, a founding partner of one of New York's most prestigious law firms, and a respected member of the International Community of Currency Traders. But, that isn't enough to fulfill his goal in life. When he meets James Campbell , a very wealthy New York diamond dealer who would like to keep more of his wealth out of the hands of the IRS, Peter starts weaving a web of deceit to divert the bulk of Campbell's wealth to his own account. But, he needs a little help. He enlists Delilah, a strip-club dancer, to learn, through pillow talk, the extent of Campbell's wealth; and Jenny, a flight attendant for a major airline, to smuggle loose diamonds to Europe on international flights. As a coconspirator, how can Campbell yell "foul," at the risk of spending his remaining days in a Federal prison? The perfect Plan-so Peter thinks.

Unfortunately, his law partner, Jack Morrison, gets wind of the Plan and decides to toss in his ante. Now the game gets interesting-a case of diamond cut diamond. When two people wind up dead, Jack says "enough," leaving Peter hopelessly entangled in his web. As Jack says: "That's what happens when little fish try to swim with the predators."

I meant for Miss X to review this one, cos well she is the expert, but she was busy, and I told her too late. But then again, I needed something to take my mind of all those vampires, and all that romance.

There is some bad people in this book. First there is Peter, the poor boy who grew up wanting more and more. He came up with a plan, and is stealing money from a client, and sleeping with the client's wife, and other women he is fooling. he sure has no scruples, but I can't dislike him, cos he is just such an ass that you just has to like him a bit while disliking him.

Then there is Delilah, who blindly followed him into another man's arms. her I can actually dislike, she is just a fool. Jenny, who Peter uses as a diamond mule, well she is cut from the exact stone as he is, and she can she that she gets played, and her I can respect.  James Campbell is the poor guy Peter steals from, and he is also being played for a fool. Then again he is not that good a person either. Yes you are getting the point by now, this is a cutthroat world and everyone is in it for themselves. They are all asses and they are all playing each other. I get the title when I finished this. This was a big bad web of deceit, and you can never know who to trust.

I actually finished it really quick, it was such an easy read, and of course I tried to find out who the killer was (cos yes someone gets killed, well more than one), but I am so bad at that, and it seems there is also a part 2. You can read just this book, but one murder was left hanging, I have my suspicions, but then I am always wrong.

A book for you mystery, thriller fans out there. Who is the biggest spider in this net, and will Peter get what is coming to him?

This book also had a lot of flashbacks, via them I learned why they did the bad things they did. And some were understandable, not the happiest of bunch is all I can say. And she did have me fooled, the twists kept on coming.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner: A bit too simple for me.
Reason for reading: I got the book from the author, in turn for an honest review.
Final thoughts: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott)


  1. Hmm. I hate when things are left in the air and you have to get another book to find out what happened!

  2. So it is kind of an open end? Because I hate that, but it sounds like a thrilling read, and if the murder is solved in part two, I am always wrong about who did it too..

  3. Vivienne,
    It does fit the genre perfectly.

    Oh yes, I do not like cliffhangers, or anything remotely like them. I have no patience.

    Some things we learn, some things we don't, so not entirely clear who killed this one person.
    But yes always wrong, never get it right

  4. I love a mystery and a thriller, but I also like to be able to really root for a character, and I'm not sure if I would really like any of them.

  5. Not my cup of tea, but you make a compelling case to read this. Great review Linda!

  6. I totally enjoyed your honest review!!! Sounds like a good book with a few twists along the way!

  7. It's good to mix it up a bit sometimes. After reading Original Sin by A. Brennan, I've been crave some paranormal suspense, from my usual fare in reading.

  8. Hey B:

    Thanks for your comprehensive review. Hmmm As much as I love the cover art on this novel, I don't think it is my cup of tea. Especially with the cliff hanger.

    At least it was a quick read for you!

    Thanks for sharing. :)


  9. Carol,
    You know I am so the same, so why didn't they all make me wanna kick their asses...well cos they were so sneaky and broken, and not evil. If that makes any sense.

    Hi Jenny
    Thanks, I can see that you have been making the rounds :) It's always a pleasure having you over.

    You're welcome Wisteria.

    I do like a fast read sometimes, especially now when life is so hectic

  10. Donna
    Definitely! There have been too many vampires and love stories in my life lately, and I love to make drastic genre switches ;)

    Gotta love a quick read.
    So everyone else likes the cover, I think I have been destroyed by those kick-ass UF covers ;)

  11. I dont think this book is right for me. But i do enjoyed reading your review, very good.

    I dont like the cover! :)

  12. Thanks Nina,
    All books are not for everyone, that I have sure learn :=)

  13. I really need to read a mystery thriller. I am an idiot on the subject - I know next to nothing!



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