Monday, 24 October 2011

Guestpost and giveaway: Linda Poitevin - Sins of the Angels

Linda Poitevin is on my blog today with a guest blog and there is also a chance to win her new book Sins of the Angels.

Six reasons I write in a coffee shop

Believe it or not, my favorite place to write is my local coffee shop. While I can do many things from my home office (currently a corner of my dining room), getting deep into the creative mindset I need for the world-building behind The Grigori Legacy series isn’t one of them. You’d think that a public place would provide too many distractions, but in truth, it’s just the opposite. Here’s why:

1. There is no Internet connection and hence, no avoidance of work through Twitter, Facebook or (ahem) “research.”

2. I can’t see the piles of laundry, crumbs on the counter, dust-puppies running across the floor, overgrown garden, stack of bills to be paid, or any of the many, many other excuses for avoiding work (and trust me, when I hit a snag in writing, just about any excuse to wander away from my computer will do!).

3. No one there wants to know what’s for dinner, if I’ve seen his/her [insert misplaced item here], when I’m going to get groceries, or if I can drive him/her to the bus stop. In fact, if I have my iPod and my earbuds, no one speaks to me at all. This kind of anonymity when you’re a mother is a special bliss. J

4. There are no cats trying to climb onto my shoulder, sit on my keyboard, nuzzle my chin, or chew on the pencil with which I’m writing. Nor am I left dusting off my lap, computer, and desk after such a visit.

5. There are no dogs pacing the floor with squeaky toys (ee-eee, ee-eee, ee-eee), trying to talk me into a walk, chasing the above-mentioned cats, or hopefully dropping balls onto my desk (he’s a very tall dog). 

6. I’m less inclined to snack. At the coffee shop, I can’t just wander over to the fridge or cupboard whenever I like, and having to pay for every bite makes me a lot more discerning about how many bites I really need. Plus, fewer trips away from the computer makes for more words on the computer.

How about you? Are you able to work from home on whatever it is you do, or are you as easily distractible as I am? Any secrets you can share to lessen those distractions? 

Thank you Linda :)

Open to US &Canada and International winners

2 copies of Sins of the Angels

If you are located in the US or Canada you can choose between a print or a e-copy.

If you are International then you can either win a e-copy from netgalley, or tell me if you want to put your name down for a print copy. Linda will be picking 3 international winners to win print copies at the end of her blog tour.

1. Ends Nov 3rd

2. Just go ahead and enter :)
You can also answer Linda's question of course

The rest of the Blog Tour:
Tuesday, October 25                    Supernatural Snark
Wednesday, October 26              Fiction Vixen
Thursday, October 27                   Yummy Men & Kick-Ass
Friday, October 28                        Vampire Book Club
Monday, October 31                     The Book Pushers
Wednesday, November 2            Brooke Reviews
Thursday, November 3                 Magical Urban Fantasy
Monday, November 7                   I Smell Sheep
Tuesday, November 8                  Rabid Reads
Wednesday, November 9            Bitten Books

Thursday, November 10              A Tale of Many Reviews
Friday, November 11     Canadian Remembrance Day
                                                                  (no tour stop)
Saturday, November 12               Book Chick City

Linda's Webpage


  1. What a fabulous post. I really do need to get out of the house as all those things distract me!

  2. Thank you, Vivienne, and I highly recommend my method...there's certainly something to be said about the anonymity of "anywhere but home", lol!

  3. Great post, and your book sure sounds great, I have read some reviews already.
    I have to go to the office to work, can't do that at home. But when reading at home, I often get sidetracked by reading email, reading blogs, twitter etc. Especially when the book is not as good as I hope it is. Solution? Turn the pc off and sit on the sofa with the book.

  4. It was years after I had my first home-based business (proofreading, copy editing and writing) that someone said something to me that made SOOOO much sense, which is that when you work at home, you actually end up HAVING to do more housework, because you're there for most of your meals and almost all of your coffee consumption. D'oh! Now that I'm doing it again and finally have a dedicated room I use as a home office, it's made a world of difference. I can ignore the mess elsewhere as long as my office is workable. Glances around. Focuses on the computer screen. Ahem. :) But I totally understand your reasons for writing in a coffee shop. One other woman I know who worked from home off and for many years had a full-time (although not live-in) nanny and two highly disciplined and considerate daughters, who knew better than to interrupt their mother when she was on a conference call or in her office unless it was an actual emergency. Whether it's cats, kids, or dust bunnies, working at home requires every bit as much discipline if not more than working outside the home does, although oddly I find the discipline required relates more to taking breaks and ingesting food. I have the 'glued to my computer and chair from 9 to 5' pretty much down. Now to work on the work/life/human balance part of the equation.

  5. Great post. I can see why she writes in a coffee shop :)

  6. A great post and a nice tip but...there are no coffee shops near me. So I work at home. Yes, I tend to snarl at my dog if it is too persistent for my liking (fortunately he hates those noisy squeaking toys) but overall I manage. When I work I don't drink and don't eat. I do tend to be distracted by Internet shops though ;).

  7. I suddenly feel the urge to move into a coffee shop permently! One benefit of working there are the speciality hot drinks that you can't get at home...

    I'm easily distracted as well when working...I prefer to work in total silence. :)

  8. When I wrote my thesis it worked, but then again I went back home and stayed with my parents...who did not have any internet ;) Cos would I have managed otherwise, nope, no way

  9. I am very easily distracted when working at home because of the more familiar and relaxed environment. The only thing I can do to help make myself concentrate more is to turn off all additional sources of noise.


  10. I loved and totally understood all of her reasons! As I was reading it I realized how distracted I get when I'm trying to "work"!

  11. Since I usually go to Starbucks - it's pretty much the most distracting coffee shop ever. Loud music & wi-fi. But even so, I start listening to other people's conversations which are always so much more interesting than whatever I'm doing :)

  12. I like your solution, Aurian! :)

  13. I think that work/life/human balance part eludes the majority of us, at least you're in good company. ;)

  14. @Anachronist -- your dog hates squeaky toys? How'd you manage that?!? *jealous*

  15. @Mel: the entire staff already knows me by name...I think that means I pretty much DO live there, lol.

  16. @Bloduedd...yup, I think the Internet is what really trips me up, too. Though I still blame it on the kids. ;)

  17. @Staci -- thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one! ;)

  18. Hence the earbuds, Stephanie...without them, I'd be listening to every conversation in the place!

  19. Oh, I wish I could just disappear to the coffee shop for hours. ;D It would be so much fun to get lost. Although they (family) would probably get worried, or throw a party with me not returning... Hmmm?...


    I hear you about not getting interupted though. With a kid of 12 and 2 1yr old German Shephards well there is no peace here. ;D As seen in my very first Vlog today... squecky toy attack! lol!

    Thank you!


  20. Hm... hints... I'd say a good case of the grouchies. No one will want to bother you then. LOL Na, honestly I have no idea. I guess just letting everyone know you need time and then enforce it. It's so hard!

  21. I wish I could work from home. I would like to very much. Please enter me in contest for a paperback. I am in the USA.

  22. I can not write at all at home. I have to be out in the sun or in the library. If I'm in a coffee shop, I want to eat & drink constantly. ha ha ha

  23. Great post! Distractions abound in my house - I even get distracted from doing housework. No where to go to fix that. I'm definitely in for the giveaway!

  24. Great post.I don't have as many distractions at home as she does. I'd be the opposite while at the coffee shop I'd be distracted by the food and coffee and the people around me.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  25. I can't really do my job from home, but if I could, I don't think I'd want to. I can really get into work and block out distractions, but I have a tendency to do that anyway and I need some human contact, so being at work is much better for me.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  26. I'm not easily distracted, but I can't work from home anyway.


  27. If your book is as good as you are witty, I'd LOVE to read it! Your post is very recognizable ;)

    I am an old-fashioned paper-girl though, so I would really prefer a REAL book instead of an e-book :) I live in Holland.

    Thanx for the opportunity!

    Hugs, Mandy

  28. Terrific guest post, Linda!! I used to have my own medical transcription business and I worked from home for 16 years. I loved it! It was hard sometimes with 4 kids roaming around, but it was worth it to be home when they left for school and when they came home!

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  29. yup, those are very good reasons to go to a coffeeshop to write.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway:
    missie at

  30. Whenever I have writers block it helps to get out of the house and write somewhere fresh. Unfortuantely I go to Panera Bread where there are good things to eat . I have a big problem with getting sucked into FB and my mailbox!

    don't enter me, just stopping by to support Linda and Blodeuedd! :)

  31. Thanks everyone for stopping by :D

    And thank you Linda for the awesome guestpost

  32. Linda, thank you SO much for having me. This was great fun, and I'm glad everyone enjoyed it so much. I'm back down at the coffeeshop again these days, working on the copyedits for SINS OF THE SON...and I still love writing there. ;)

  33. I loved your post and totally agree with all of your reasons for going somewhere with no twitter or facebook distractions! I can get lost surfing the web for hours and not get a danged thing done! Your book sounds really good and I would LOVE to win a copy:)
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  34. Work hard on those copyedits now :) I want book 2 :D

  35. Retwitted your giveaway at:!/cherrymischivus/status/129489828009099265

    Goodluck to everybody entering!!

    Cherry Mischievous
    (not an entry)

  36. Very funny post! I work in an office but yours sounds much better :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

    smaccall AT

  37. Wonderful post and thank you for a giveaway! I am a US Entry and would love a paperback :)

    I love how you take yourself away from all diatractions to write. I often need to do the same thing even with day to day things!

    Destiny P.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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