Saturday, 22 October 2011

Review: The Viscount and the Witch - Michael J.Sullivan

The Riyria Chronicles Short
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 5400 words
Published: October 2011
Source: Free on author's page, but you can buy it too

Eleven years before they were framed for the murder of a king, before even assuming the title of Riyria, Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater were practically strangers. Unlikely associates, this cynical thief and idealist swordsman, were just learning how to work together as a team. In this standalone first installment of The Riyria Chronicles, Royce is determined to teach his naive partner a lesson about good deeds. 

My thoughts:
I do not have to say it again, but short stories are so hard to review and mostly they just leave me, wanting more. Then there are the good ones. This one left me satisfied but also wanting more. In a good way. I was happy with the story I got but I also really need more since it was so good. 

What I liked the most was the dry humor, or perhaps he was just series when he said those things ;) Oh just read it and see. A fun fantasy story, a perfect story to read while waiting for more, or as I did, in preparation to read book 1. And omg I want my pre-order book to arrive now! 

If this is his style then yes I do recommend it to other readers.

I also felt that you do not have to read this book before reading book 1, since this one was written after book 1 was already written. But it is a good place to start if you want to know his style.

Though I must say, doesn't it sound like a HR book ;)

More please.


  1. I like dry sense of humour so it might be down my alley, thanks!

  2. Oh, I didn't know this story existed! I really like the Riyria Revelations. I've been reading them since they first came out and am very excited that the author has found a big publisher for his stories (though I hate the cover art chosen). I hope you continue reading these!

  3. I haven't heard of this before but it sounds very good. When is the first book released?

  4. Ana
    The dry humour was just fab, just :D And it can be found for free on his page...and it is short ;)

    I really enjoyed it

    Neither did I but luckily I know someone who loves the book and read the novella.

    I will be reading book 1 soon, I am just waiting for my copy to arrive. So fun that he will be published by Orbit and hopefully reach an ever bigger audience

    I know right ;)

    Now in November by Orbit I think it was. He was published before, his wife started a firm so they could publish his books :)

  5. Oh yes, this is his style! When you read the first book you will be surprised as the simularities! :) Hope you love it as much as I did.

  6. Novellas are super hard to review. I always manage to give too much away or not say enough. I do like a dry sense of humor, so I might have to check this series out.

  7. Oh fun and free? Sweet! You know me so well... ;)

  8. I know what you mean, today I read a short story by Poe that left me wanting more.

  9. I agree, short stories aren't always my thing either but this sounds pretty fun!

  10. Wait, how is 5400 pages a short story?! o.O

  11. I keep saying that I'll start reading short stories and yet, I never do. This doesn't sound too bad...I'll venture over to the author's page.

  12. I haven't read this story yet but I intend to because I had really enjoyed the first book in his series. I'm glad that Orbit will be publishing the books so that I can finally order them from The Book Depository, and I'll be able to read the rest of the series.

  13. The title certainly doesn't fit a fantasy novel. You had me confused at the start.

  14. It is never a bad thing when your only complaints is that you wanted more story to read! That's a very good sign.

  15. Melissa
    *fingers crossed*
    *sits and waits*

    I kind of said nothing at all here :) Cos it ws really short, but so well done. I do recommend it.

    Aye fun and free, go forth

    I really should read Poe, I have never tried anything at all by him.

    There are just mostly ok, but this oen truly worked.

  16. Chris
    It's words after 5400 ;)

    And it is short, and you are always saying you should start fantasy again so you got nothing to loose.

    I am glad they are doing it too :D Cos in the end I just love print more and I can't wait to start this series and see if it is really as good as I hope it will be.

    Nope, so very HR

    Hihi, I know right! :D Must have more, but still over a week until it is released

  17. This is going on my TBR list right now. I'm so happy you enjoyed it but it left you wanting more. I guess that's what a pre-series novella is supposed to do right?! :-D Can't wait to see what you think of Book 1.

  18. Deanna
    Yes that is sure what they should do :D And the style so made me want more, the book should come any day now


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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