Friday, 21 October 2011

Review: Cold Fire - Kate Elliott

Series: Spiritwalker #2
Genre: Steampunk /Alternate history/romance
Pages: 640
Published: Sep 2011
Publisher: orbit
Source: Bought

Only one thing is certain: when Hallows' Night comes, the Wild Hunt will ride - and it feeds on mortal blood. 

Cat and her cousin Bee are caught in a maze of intrigue, treachery, and magic. Everyone seems to want something from them: the Cold Mages are trying to take them prisoner, and the warlord who wants to conquer all of Europa seems sure they have a special destiny to aid him whether they want to or not. Worse, hidden powers deep in the spirit world are rising, and they are the most dangerous of all. Cat must seek allies and figure out who she can trust in order to save the ones she loves. For if she doesn't, everything will be lost.

My thoughts:
It was not as good as book 1 and it took a while for me to get into the book. I really can't put my finger on it. maybe it was how sudden we were thrown into book 2 from book 1. It felt like I turned a page and then it continued, which can be a good thing but not since it was months since i read it. Perhaps it was the flow of direction, sometimes it seemed to flow to fast, in too many currents and I could not catch the right stream. Which led me to feel confused and unfocused. Whatever it was it went away, but it did come again here and there. 

Don't get me wrong, yes it took me a while, but then I started to enjoy the book. But I do feel that it lost something that made book 1 so great. But still good enough for me to want book 3.

The story takes a turn and instead of Europe it takes place in the Caribbean. Where kingdoms rule and these people are not afraid of progress, so here it is more steampunk (not that we see much), but Europe is just ice and magic. Here we have zombies, Cat being lost, we finally learn who her dad is, we meet the general again who wants to conquer Europe, can Cat escape her marriage, does she want to? And Bea learn about the path of dragons. I can't say much, since everything is more or less a spoiler. But yes I was happy about the turn of events, some things made me wonder, and some made me want to kick a certain person.

It was a good book, it held my attention (after the first part), and the world is just fantastic. A true creation in its fullest. 

And I must mention that I love Rory! I sure do.

I would recommend it, because it is for everyone. Whether you like steampunk, fantasy or paranormal, and there is romance to be had too.

Cover Thoughts: pretty


My flash fiction for this week


  1. I haven't read steampunk yet - someday. Glad you liked it!

  2. I would like to try it but let's face it - second books are usually worse than the first ones and they can make your experience a bit less enjoyable. Thanks for an honest, interesting review!

  3. I haven't read steampunk either but this series does sound good. I like when the story is a continuation that they kind of recap a bit at the beginning instead of just jumping in. If it's been a while since you read the first one you can be a little lost.

  4. Love the cover, but not going to read this. Steampunk, even if it is minor, is just not my thing. Dragons and Magic are though.

  5. Hmm. Cold fire should be blue.

  6. Yes, this is definitely a series I want to try. I haven't really done uch fantasy recently but think I will have to change that soon! :)

  7. I'm starting to really dig steampunk. Looks like I should pick this series up.

  8. I often feel this way about the second book in a series. I don't know what it is.

  9. I haven't heard of these books before. I would like to explore a bit more steampunk novels. Sometimes second books just don't like up to a readers expectations. If book 1 is really good, book 2 is hard to follow.

  10. Mary
    You really should try steampunk, it is just so very cool.

    That is sadly true, I was all caught up in the awesomeness that was book 1. The same thing happened with the Vampire Empire book I read.

    Oh they did not do that here. It took off exactly from where they left off. And I felt a bit lost since it felt like I had put down the book weeks ago in the middle of a page

    But it has plenty of magic, and dragons too

  11. Chris
    I can't say what it stans for since there is no cold fire, there is fire magic and cold magic, hm.....

    Uch fantasy?
    But yes you do gotta read it

    Then pick it up, you need to get into the steampunk game ;)

    It is the mid series blues :(

    MRS Q
    True, book 1 was freaking amazing! And yes this book was good but I kept comparing it and I can't do that since they are so different

  12. "maybe it was how sudden we were thrown into book 2 from book 1. It felt like I turned a page and then it continued" - Oh, I recently read a book that felt like this! I was extremely disoriented since it's been year since I read the previous book. The confusion eventually went away though.

  13. I have heard mixed reviews on this book, but if you still enjoyed it enough to want the 3rd, I'm curious.

    Oh and YAY! for being on time with the fic. ;) It was perfect for the season!

  14. aww! too bad it's not as enjoyable as the first! it still sounds like something i would enjoy.

  15. I don't know why I'm waiting so long to read Steampunk.
    Glad to hear you enjoyed this one, even if it took a bit to get into.

  16. Sounds like it was just enough. Maybe not as satisfying and you would like but at least it didn't turn you off the rest. Fab review :)

  17. Steph
    And I only read the book back in May! o_O Sure I remembered what happened, but it was like I had put it down then and started it again now. it did not work

    Very fitting for the season ;) I think October is gonna be my scary month.

    The beginning was troublesome, but there is still good things about it so I want more

    I am sure you would enjoy it, well I hope ;)

    You must try steampunk. There is so much to try out there, well not much, but enough to please everyone.

    Exactly, just enough to keeo me going, but not enough to be fab

  18. I still haven't read any steampunk yet but one day!

    It can be annoying if the second book starts right after first book. I have bad memory and if it's been months I'm so lost.

  19. Elysium
    Same here, yes I did remember what happened, but for it to start just there was too sudden. I need time to get into the book again

  20. Oh sorry to hear this one wasn't as good for you. I do want to give this series a try though. :) Thanks for the review!

  21. Sounds like a fun book, but I'm still not sure what I think of steampunk. I read it, I like them mostly, but I always feel as if something is missing. Have no clue what though.

  22. Oh, I've been wondering about this series. Sounds pretty good, and I'm glad this book got better for you after the first part. :)

  23. Melissa
    It was still good, but that beginning was just so very shaky for some reason.

    Here the steampunk is mostly pretty non-existent. Since when it took place in Europe all those things are forbidden. So just go ahead and try it ;)

    It did, and oh I can't say, but it got good :D And i do want the next one

  24. I just finished Cold Fire and I agree that it wasn't as good as book 1. The beginning was full of secondary characters that I couldn't remember and there was just too much going on throughout, plus I had a hard time keeping track of all the politics. And the ending felt off to me with a couple of climatic events and then Cat going back to waitressing. What was with that? And since I've become friendly with the author I feel weird writing a negative review of the book. I hate when that happens.

  25. I have heard great things about book 1 in this series and it's sitting on my TBR list. I know I need to check it out for sure. It sounds so interesting and I'm happy to hear it has such a diverse group of genres that it can appeal to a wider audiance. I also like the cover. :-D


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