Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Review: The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan

The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth returns again. For centuries, gleemen have told the tales of The Great Hunt of the Horn. So many tales about each of the Hunters, and so many Hunters to tell of... 

Now the Horn itself is found: the Horn of Valere long thought only legend, the Horn which will raise the dead heroes of the ages. And it is stolen.

Genre: Fantasy, Series: The Wheel of Time #2, Pages: 707, Published: 2006 (1990), Publisher: Orbit, Source: My own

My thoughts this time around:
Re-reading it for the..well I have read it a lot 

Rand knows he is the Dragon and does not yet believe it. I like the beginning in Shienar and how they hunt the horn later. Because here the threads are coming together and we are starting to believe. 

As always my fav parts are the Rand ones, he is a bookboyfriend for a reason. The Mat and Perrin parts are good too. But the women parts, eh, boring as always. But that is just cos I keep favorites. I never did care to read about Egwene and her buddies in the White Tower. I just want to get to the good parts. Who cares about women.

Honestly what can I say about a book I have re-read lots of times? I still hate the Seanchan! The Children of the Light must die! Fain is annoying and, well I really hate the Seanchan ;) 

I re-read this over the course of 1,5 months. I could just stop in the middle of a page and pick it up days later. I know this story, and I love it. 



  1. Ooooo dragons! I have a thing for dragons. Have you read G.A. Aiken's dragon series? I really enjoyed those, and I think I would really enjoy Rand as well:)

    1. Ahem, I am sorry to say but there are no dragons here ;) He is just called that so no sexy shapeshifters

    2. Weird...where is my comment?

      Anyway, sorry, no dragons! he is just called that so no sexy shapeshifters

    3. arghhh, there it is! Darn it blogger. Stop messing with me today

  2. Nothing like the comfort of rereading a favorite!

  3. dragons? I LOVE IT! I like dragons. I was surprised at how short this review was! :)

    1. dragons in this book. Not a single one. He is just called that :)

      Hard to review an old fav. I have already reviewed it on this blog 2 years ago too ;)

  4. I adore these books, one of my favorite series of all time. I'm one of those that never got bored or annoyed with how long the books were or the vast arrary of characters. I love them all.

    1. The only time I do get annoyed is when the date for the last book is being pushed back..but I can wait..I hope ;)

      And nope, the more the merrier

  5. I love this series and like to re-read it occasionally. Although I haven't read The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight yet. I am waiting for the book that will end it all to be published and then read one after the other. :)

    1. The last I heard was January..but that can change. it was supposed to be Nov last year

  6. I finished New Spring last week and really liked it. I hope to read The Eye of the World soon, I just need to find some time.

    1. Hihi, I did not even bother with New Spring this time around ;) Mostly cos it made me sad when it was supposed to be three books

  7. I don't know...the length of this series kind of scares me off. On the other hand I would like to read it as it is fantasy.

    "who cares about women?" - Now I am outraged. I do.

    1. Don't be! They are just so boring and trust me you would not like his women. Here they are ok, but mostly they moon over a guy, fight over a guy, or sit in a guy's lap

  8. I've thought of tackling this series, but I would really like to read the Sword of Truth series first by Goodkind. Glad this one was enjoyable for you again and again :)

    1. I think I read 8 of Goodkind's books but then the library had no more and by now I have forgotten everything :(

    2. Oh no! well that's not good, but with all of the fantasies you read, I can see how you could forget. It's hard keeping all those elements separate :)

    3. I think I read it in like..2002? I have it written somewhere, but as the library still have no more I do feel it's a lost cause

  9. My husband had started this series but still needs to catch up. I have a few of them on my kindle so maybe I'll give it a try one of these days too.

    1. I hope he is enjoying the series :)
      And yes you need to read a few too

  10. I can't believe I haven't read it yet. I've been told to read it several times already.

    LOL "Who cares about women." Oh that made me laugh. :D

    1. What can I say, I am too in love with my bookboyfriend to wanting to read about women

  11. With the many books you read, you took the time to re-read this one and still enjoyed it? Must be an exceptional story!

    1. I felt I had to :) I think I started reading this series 1996-1998 something and since the last book is coming out I want to read them all

  12. I've never read anything by this author before. It sounds interesting.

  13. I've only read a few dragon books..this sounds like a good one

    1. Yeah, no dragons, I really should not have mentioned he is called that. But no real dragons

  14. I'm always on the hunt for book boyfriend material, and sounds like Rand would be a good one, especially if he inspires a reread. :)

    1. He is a bit crazy at the moment but he has stuff to deal with *whistles* i still love his crazy ass

  15. Such a great series! Like you, I have read this countless times. But somehow I can't make myself read the books not written by Robert Jordan. Still I want to know how it all ends.

    1. Sanderson did better than i thought. Sure it was a bit strange in the beginning. Like there were new actors playing the same part but it worked better the more I read

  16. The Sword of Truth series are also worthy of re-reading. And of course, are made in a tv series. The legend of the Seeker. Which of course doesn't come close to the books. But is still fun to watch.

    1. >Oh that show was beyond lame. At least Richard took off his shirt a lot and showed his manly muscles.

      The books, well boring at first, but then they got better and of course that is when the library stopped buying them

  17. Oh a re-read and dragons as well! Yay! :)

    1. I do love it :) (pssst no dragons, I so must mention that in my next review)

  18. haha I've always liked The Tower parts :P You can keep Rand as long as I have Lan :D

    1. Lan, oh you an keep him. I never did fancy him, but I do want Logain. He grew on me in later books

  19. I think I will wait to re-read this series once the last book is published... I am not good at waiting...

    1. It comes out in like a year so considering the 13 books before that one you have the time ;)

  20. I stopped at book 7 or 8 can't remember which one. I think in order to do the series justice I would have to re-read too!! I loved the first five books..seriously crush going on with them!

    1. Lol, yes I think that would be a good idea ;) Cos there are lot of peeps in them

  21. It's nice when you can revisit an old favorite and re read it at your leisure.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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