Wednesday 18 July 2018

Audio: Sheer Mischief - Jill Mansell

My thoughts:

Mansell likes to write from many POVs at times,  and that is the case here.

First we have Janey, who is the main POV. Her husband disappeared one day, and she still wonders about that almost 2 years after. Like who wouldn't! She is kind, but with low self esteem. She keeps comparing herself to her thinner pretty sister. Also she totally flirts with the wrong man,  I so worried about that.

Then there is Maxine who is a whirl storm. I really can not compare, but even if the book starts with J, I would say Maxine gets almost the same numbers. Anyway,  you can not dislike her, even though she is flighty, can not be trusted and likes men too much. But she is still kind and funny and she does love her sister. She is the worst and the best at her job and I kept shaking my head, but she was amusing to read about.

Their mum gets a minor POV later on, but hush hush about that.

Then there is Guy, who Maxine sets her eyes on. Oh he was so blind when it comes to women. But he is a really nice guy, really. And he loves his kids.

There is love to bo found and lost. New roads to take. Secrets to find out. Lives to live. It's a nice book and even though I knew what would happen with some, I did wonder about the road there cos it sure took long ;)

A lovely book where everyone got what they deserved, good and bad.

Narrator. Charlotte Anne Dore
I actually had some issues here. I tried every speed, but it was always the same thing, her sentences felt...chunky? They just did not flow. Luckily I could still enjoy it, but yes it did bug me.

Cute. No head though

It's not that Janey Sinclair isn't pleased to see her sister. It's just that being woken at seven by Maxine, complete with police escort, isn't quite how she'd planned to spend her Sunday. Even so Janey, who's just rebuilding her life after her husband disappeared, is delighted that her sister's back in the Cornish town where they grew up. When Maxine sets her sights on Guy Cassidy, an impossibly glamorous fashion photographer, Janey knows there's no limit to the mischief her sister will get up to in order to dispatch her rivals. But little do they know that the competition is a lot closer to home than they think . . . 

Audio CD, 15 h
Published July 3rd 2018 by Tantor Audio (first published 1994)
Womens fiction
For review


  1. Given your thoughts I think I would find the narration a bit distracting. Mansell's books always sound so good.

    1. I could not come to terms with her tone

  2. Mansell's books are always a treat!

  3. thanks for sharing. I hate it when a narrator doesn't do a great job it really hurts the book

  4. Thank you for the review. I haven't read a Mansell for a very long time.

  5. I think this is the reason I have trouble with audiobooks. I really need to find the right narrator. Glad it was a good story though despite the narrator.

    1. I hear you. I could enjoy this one, cos yes she was not awesome, but it still sort of worked. I have had others that have made me dnf

  6. why not? I didn't know about this one

  7. Thanks for the great review. That does sound like a good story.

  8. I think I would enjoy the story, but maybe not on audio.

  9. Okay I enjoy Jill Mansell but what you notice about the narrator has me saying to myself if I read this one I'll read not listen to it.

  10. Hmmm I haven't run into that issue yet with a narrator. Fingers crossed I don't!!

  11. This sounds interesting. Sorry the narration was not up to par.

  12. I've had that happen before with narrators, but sometimes it's the writing style. No matter who reads it, it just sounds clunky!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I never thought about that the writing could make it so, but yes you are correct

  13. I think that I have bought a lot of Jill Mansell's books but I don't think that I have read any of them. Too bad you were not thrilled with the narrator with this one.

    1. The one I listened to last month had another narrator and I did like her more

  14. Everyone got what they deserved - good and bad. lol Love it!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  15. It was strange to be honest cos suddenly there were more POVS, but eh, I rolled with it. I can not remember if they are all like this



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