Monday 5 November 2012

Review: A Walk in the Park - Jill Mansell

It's been a while, but Lara Carson's back in Bath and lives are set to change as a result. Because Lara left her family and boyfriend Flynn eighteen years ago without a word to anyone. Why has no one heard from her since? Her childhood best friend Evie is thrilled Lara's back and able to share her happiness. Evie's about to walk down the aisle with her dream man, Joel. Or so she thinks...Then there's Flynn Erskine, even more attractive now and stunned to see Lara again. The spark between them is as strong as ever, but how's Flynn going to react when he discovers the secret she's been keeping from him? Oh yes, there's a lot of catching up to be done...

My thoughts:
 If you have read Mansell before then you know what you are in for, multiple HEAs. Yay.

First we have Lara who comes back after many years away, and with a teenager in tow. One no one knew about. And in Bath her old boyfriend lives, Flynn, a good guy, but yes also the father of her daughter. Flynn and Lara are so meant for each other, always meant to be. And even though I knew that Mansell loves HEAs I was worried. Co there can always be someone else that would be better.

Evie is Lara's friend and is about to be married, and let's just leave it at that. 

Plus one more HEA and revelation is on store for readers.

Mansell writes about real people, who make mistakes, and who fall in love. Slowly. And that is what I like about her books. The book had a great cast of characters and each one brought something to the story.

A feel good book. A perfect read when the weather gets colder and the days darker.

Genre: Romantic Fiction
Pages: 448
To be Published: Nov 6th 2012 by Sourcebooks Landmark
Source: For review


  1. Lol. That's hilarious - I just reviewed this one today too. I loved it. I adore her books and her writing! This was another good read from her. Glad you enjoyed it too.

    1. Hihi, so funny :D
      And yes Mansell sure has a way with he stories

  2. Characters who fall in love slowly? YES! I've read a string of books lately where it's been all insta-love, so I've been searching for one where the romance takes a while to build. I need tension!

    1. I know, crazy ;D Lol, totally the way it should be, the whole insta-love is just so wrong. That is not love, it's lust

  3. I finished this last week and enjoyed it. She is fast becoming a favorite author of mind.

    1. I had to check how many of her books I got, 5 it seems :)

  4. This is on my must read list. Sounds wonderful!

  5. This does sound like one of those feel good and smile books :)

  6. Mansell's books are similar but they're so much fun, who cares?!

    1. But they all got totally different stories of course :)

  7. it sounds like a nice story. what does HEA mean? lol I know I need to know more abbreviations.

    1. Yup, thanks Kimba and no worries, I did not know these things before blogging either

  8. This sounds delightful..thanks for sharing it!

  9. You had me at HEA. I so need those right now. I also love that it feels real and the romance is slow. Yep, so need to read this author!

  10. I've seem Mansell around but never pick her up... I might just start with this one...

  11. Yay, it would be perfect for that

  12. Floss and brush your teeth, high sugar content!

  13. I've read a few Jill Mansell books. They are on the lighter side but always end happy.

    Not my favorite but I do pick them up when that's what I'm looking for,

    1. I do want light and good sometimes, and then they are so perfect for that.


  14. The cover suggests sweet sweet sweet.

  15. Seems like a nice people book. A book about people. :) Great review

  16. I have this one and I do love Jill Mansell, light and happy might be just what I need to break out of my reading slump.

  17. I love feel good books and the days are getting darker quicker now that we've moved back an hour. I love Mansell!!!

    1. It's dark here now when I get home, boo Finnish winter

  18. I've only read one book by this author but I really, really enjoyed it. I need to take the time to read more...and your right that it would be a perfect read for a dark and cold day! Great review!

    1. Then you really have to read more of her books :D They are all different and all sweet

  19. I like Jill Mansell too and I enjoy those HEA's :)

  20. I have quite a few Jill Mansell books on my Nook. I really need to start reading them. They really look good.

    1. I hope you get the time to read one soon

    2. Hi everyone, and thanks so much for all the lovely comments about my books! I'm thrilled so many people like them. Hopefully A Walk in the Park will continue to entertain. I do try to be a little less 'sweet' sometimes but my editors don't like it!
      Jill Mansell

    3. Oh no, do not be less Sweet! :) I love the books just as they are. And it's not like they are contemporary romance sweet. No, they are more real life sweet, plus drama and issues. perfect

  21. Great review B, I need to catch up on her books someday!

  22. Today is cold and dark... I won't be reading this one today but I'm sure adding it to my TBR, winter is long...

  23. Jill Mansell's books always sound good and this one is no exception.

  24. I think this is the perfect book to follow the heavy WWII one I'm reading now. Glad you enjoyed it!



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