Monday 11 February 2013

Review: Wait until Dark - ML Buchman

Name: Big John Wallace
Rank: Staff Sergeant, Chief Mechanic and Gunner
Mission: To serve and protect his crew and country.

Name: Connie Davis
Rank: Sergeant, Flight Engineer, Mechanical Wizard
Mission: To be the best...and survive.

Two Crack Mechanics, One Impossible Mission

Being in The Night Stalkers is Connie Davis's way of facing her demons head-on, but mountain-strong John Wallace is a threat on all fronts. Their passion is explosive, but their conflicts are insurmountable. When duty calls them to a mission no one else could survive, they'll fly into the night together—ready or not.

My thoughts:
This is book 3, but it does work well as a stand alone.

Both were in the previous book, but this is their time. Connie is the dedicated mechanic, the soldier who forms no attachment. She feels weird and that she does not belong. I kind of felt that I I understood where she was coming from. Yes she has issues, but that is who she is. While Big John is nice, fits in and is just a good guy. A perfect fit? Well not exactly and that is what makes it good. They first fight their attraction and then they have lots of other things to deal with. They grow.

Is there lots of military action then? Yes and no. Military yes, action, mostly at the end. That part I liked the least. Sure it was suspenseful but by then I just wanted to know everything would be ok between these too. And I rather watch and read the truly suspenseful bits in books (yes I like movies ;)

Suspense, romance, a bit of nice family life makes it into a good book.


Series: The night stalkers #3
Genre: Military romance
Pages: 376
Published: Feb 1st 2013 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Source: for review


  1. Glad it was a pretty good read for you!

  2. Good to know :) I have the first 2 and thought about using my Discover a New Love credit for this one. I just might!

  3. This sounds like a series I'd like. I'm off to add it to my wishlist!

  4. Oh I like it when you can read a series in disorder!

  5. This is new to me but sounds interesting.

  6. The bit of family focus sounds nice.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  7. You mean I can read this out of order? Not that I do that or anything... *cough*

    This does sound like something I'd enjoy. I like that she is a mechanic. Great review!

    1. Hihi, I know I know, I am evil, I read out of order ;)

      And so can you my friend ;)

  8. My mom's uncle used to be a mechanic. He had permanently dirty fingers and fingernails. Romantic like hell. Have a horrible Monday.

  9. I've never heard of this series, but it sounds quite cool, Blodeuedd! :) Thanks for the thumbs up!

  10. This sounds good. Glad to hear I don't have to start with the first book :-)

    1. Since I never did I must say that it does work :) Even if I want to read that first one too

  11. I don't normally do military romances, but this one sounds different. I might have to give it a try.

    1. I found out that I do like a bit of suspense too in my romances. It makes it exciting

  12. I've read the other books and will definitely be reading this one.

  13. this sounds good, and i love that you were caught up in getting your HEA.

  14. I like that this was written by a man!!

    1. So different from what I am used to, and it did it well

  15. This sounds like good romantic suspense. I like the cover too.

  16. Hmm I would have expected more suspense, more action. But glad you loved the romance part :)



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