Thursday, 27 June 2013

Review: Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet - Darynda Jones

Sometimes being the grim reaper really is, well, grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple of months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above . . . or at least get dressed. It becomes clear something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. But the more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it.

In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that the city of Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved.

My thoughts:
I often reach this conclusion when it comes to good books....this author is evil!!!! First all the tempting with Reyes, who makes my (well you figure it out), then all the secrets, what is gonna happen and what Charley really is. And then leaving me craving more, just like a zombie craves brains. So there you have it, Darynda Jones is evil.

And you know I can't write a normal review when it comes to these books. The mere though of Reyes makes my insides melt. He is sex on a stick. And *fans myself* heaven help me.

Charley is so kick-ass and funny, dang, I want her as my best friend! The mystery made me go 0_0, yes I never manage to see it coming *applauds*. Reyes, oh I was supposed to go on and look who I came back to....

Anyway totally recommended. 'nuff said.


Charley Davidson #1
Urban fantasy
Paperback, 339 pages
Published March 26th 2013 by St. Martin's Paperbacks (first published October 30th 2012


  1. I've only read the first book. For some reason I thought I saw a love triangle coming on so I've been avoiding the next books. Am I wrong? Because I did enjoy the humor.

    1. ...I can't spoil it but ok nothing so far ;)

  2. *AHEM!*

    You KNOW that Reyes is mine, right? I totally asked her when I was doing a read a long... so I am claiming him regardless of what her answer happened to be! LOL HE IS MINE! *growls*

    1. That is just MEAN. What an evil thing to say!n *runs off and cries in a corner*

  3. I so love this series, the fifth is wonderful too.

  4. You lucky woman! I so want it

  5. LOL I have the first in this series in audio. Need to listen soon :)

  6. I need to catch up on this series, everyone is always raving about Reyes, though I think I like your description of him best! :-)

    1. Reyes is just so so *dies a bit* Well just the hottest guy in the universe

  7. bahaha this series is already on my TBR stack but if it wasn't I'd want to read it just because of your reviews :)

  8. I just started this seris and really enjoyed the first book. Glad you are still fanning yourself at book four.

  9. I am excited for your review. I just downloaded First Grave on the Right to my Ipod and cant wait to listen to it on my next doggy walk!
    My friend loves Reyes and insisted I read this series.
    I am glad you love it 4 books in. :)

    1. Yay :D
      Everyone sure loves Reyes ;) I am glad she made you read this series and I hope that you continue to read it

  10. Reyes is sex on a stick? I'm going to have to check this series out :)

  11. Sounds good...I haven't heard about this author before.

  12. Ladadada *Fingers in ears* *eyes pinched closed* I still have to start this series!!!!

  13. That cover is very, very green.

  14. Reyes *swoons* I love all the t-shirts slogans and the girls too..but Reyes makes me drool!

    1. The t-shirts slogans are awesome, I need t-shirts like that

  15. I do so like your description of Reyes!

  16. O is this one available in paperback yet? If so, I want it. Glad you love the series B.

  17. Reyes does sound hot and tempting!

  18. Green, green, green. ;-)

    I'm must meet this Reyes. He sounds delicious.

  19. You totally beat me to this one as well as Forsaken by the Others, damn! Yet, another gorgeous book which is waiting for me on the bookshelf :)

    1. HAHA! Lol, I waited 2 whole months to read it, nearly killed me

  20. This author is evil but she is also absolutely fantastic! LOVE this series and so glad you liked this one too :)

    1. Evil and fabulous :D Gotta love when they are all evil in a good way

  21. Glad the series is just as great in book 4. I'm putting this series on the list. "Sex on a stick" is what did it :)

  22. hehehe. you're so funny dude.

  23. Wait until you read next book... that's all I'm saying. ;)

  24. Oh my! Sex on a stick? I must read this!

    1. Reyes is a god! Well a devil but ya know ;)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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