Saturday, 28 November 2015

#FitReaders Check-In: November 27, 2015

Sat 1.15 h walk
Sun 40 min walk
Mon 4 km bike, 1 h skiing
Tue, 8 km bike, 1 h workout class, 1 h yoga
Wed 4km bike, 1 h zumba
Thu 12 km bike, 45 zumba toning
Fri, 4 km bike, 30 min walk

I got an answer for my hives. I got strep urticaria. Of course I get strep without a sore throat, and hives instead #cursed. But it was nice going to workout class without feeling like I wanted to rip my skin off. 

Today's photo shows what happened this week. It all melted away.


  1. Well its sad that its melted away if you love snow...but if you hate snow its a good thing. Personally I don't mind it in December, but after that its just miserable. Love the pics though. Skiing is such fun. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well though. I have been sick this week with my yearly cold ( I get it every November...its like clockwork hehe). But its always good to keep up the exercise too.

    1. I love snow!! Winter without snow sucks, but it's getting warmer here since we are so close to the polar circle, thanks to global warming. Sigh, my snow.

      Aha, no yearly cold for me, just strep hives, which was so wtf

  2. Oh my goodness, look at all that snow! And I'm so sorry to hear about your sickness, I hope you get better soon. Strep is horrid, no matter what the symptoms.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It was a lovely couple of 3 days :)
      It was truly horrid, I should have gone in earlier with them

  3. So glad you got the hives figured out. Great job keeping up with the workout even while not feeling well.

    1. They messed up to, They should have called me if the test was positive, damn it. I could have gotten antibiotics earlier.

      Well it was easy, just itchy, no sore throat or fever

  4. I'm glad they figured out your hives!

  5. So you're the special snowflake that does your strep differently. ;) Glad you got the hives figured out.

    Our snow went bye-bye, too.

    1. Haha, I certainly am a speshul snowflake :)

  6. Oh no! What a weird way for it to present! Hope you're all mended soon!

    1. I know right! The doc thought I had scabies first! So he went to get another doc

  7. What a fab week of exercise, such variety and even skiing. Awesome.

  8. oh a bit of snow, that's nice. It's been years since we had any here so I hope we'll have some this year.

  9. I've never heard of Strep causing hives but I used to get the other one ALL THE TIME when I was in school. I live in fear of it even now. It hurt so bad!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. That it why this is so surprising. My throat is fine so I could never have guessed it

  10. All the snow we got melted too. Thank goodness.

    1. Noooo, snow is pretty. I live in darkness! I need snow

  11. I hope you're feeling better!

  12. Oh gosh. That's quite an adventure...or misadventure. How did you get hives? I hope you're feeling better!

    1. It's crazy! It is one of the rarer ones, but of course I ge the weirdness then

  13. Never heard of Strep throat presenting as hives, umm good to be different?? lol. Glad you're better and great exercise ... woohoo skiing!

  14. Glad you got an answer and you are better!! You already have enough snow for skiing?! Keep it! haha

    1. I am so happy :D

      Oh it snowed and snowed so got it in a day. But then it melted away


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