Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Pennistan 1, 2 - Mary Blayney

Traitor's Kiss
When an enigmatic beauty rescues accused traitor Lord Gabriel Pennistan from a French prison cell, it's just the beginning of an adventure in mystery and seduction. For Gabriel has no idea who Charlotte Parnell is, or why she has saved him... and Charlotte has underestimated the sensual stranger who awakens in her a passion that culminates in a night of exquisite lovemaking. But when she abruptly vanishes, Gabriel will not rest until he finds her--no matter what the cost.... 

Lover's Kiss
In her worst nightmares, Lady Olivia Pennistan never imagined she would be kidnapped. And retired soldier Michael Garrett never expected to be her rescuer. But he could hardly ignore the naked young beauty scrambling through the forest. Neither anticipates sharing a kiss--or wanting another. The final surprise comes when Garrett is hired to protect Olivia and her family from the insidious threats that persist. As their simmering attraction ignites, rumors of Olivia's indiscretion surface--rumors she longs to make come true.... 

My thoughts:
Traitor's Kiss
I do not really know why I pushed through with book 1. Maybe it was because book 2 was coming after it so i thought why not.

It was just so dull and impersonal.

So this woman Charlotte, who we never gets to know. Whose skin I never get under. Rescues a British soldier called Gabriel. His family had hired her. He might be a traitor. So most of the book is them slowly talking and trying to get out of France. I do get to know him more, and yes yes, she is undercover, but still, if I do not know her I do not care for her!

This one was dull, and I did skim. Eh, I give it a 2.

Lover's Kiss
Omg, how dull these are!
Michael finds Olivia half nekkid in the woods. He has no personality. She has no personality. Dull things happen. More dull things happen.

Srsl, sometimes I do have trouble dnfing. It happens! If this had been two different books they would so have been dnfed. I skimmed this one much more than book 1.

Paperback, 720 pages
Published October 28th 2008 by Bantam (first published January 1st 2008)
Pennistan #1 & 2
Historical romance


  1. Hmm.. no thanks sounds like a DNF-should have been!

  2. Aren't you glad you got these books out of the way? :)

  3. Booo I usually skim instead of dnf'ing. I must know how things end even if I hate it lol

    I'm getting better at quitting though!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. SOme books I do check the end off. But some books are just too boring to even skim

  4. Hahaha! Your reviews! Oh boy, I hope your current read is good

  5. Oh dang. I actually have this one in print I think. Came in a mystery box. Guess I can skip that!

  6. Sorry to hear about it being so dull

  7. I'm sorry these were such disappointed, but I love that you made it through. :) You saved us all the trouble.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you weren't thrilled with this one. I hope your next read is better.

    What I hate more then perfect characters is characters with no personality. SMDH.

    1. It was a major setback, but I made it up yesterday with a few dnfs

  10. I feel your pain. I have trouble dnf'ing as well. We keep thinking our perseverance will pay off. LOL

    1. Silly us. I know some books might get better after 200 pages, but to suffer through those 200....

  11. Thanks for your vetting service lol ... no thanks

  12. The spy and traitor gig sounds so promising, too. Onward to the next book. :)

  13. You are a braver reader than I am! Normally I hate giving up on a series, and if the first book got a mediocre to okay review, I'd try to read the second. No way though, if I gave book 1 a 2 star.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. What was I thinking? I have the power to DNF, but sometimes it is hard


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