Thursday 3 March 2016

Magic shifts - Ilona Andrews

Mercenary Kate Daniels and her Mate, former Beast Lord Curran Lennart, have broken with Pack, but Curran misses challenges of leading, so he grabs when Pack offers him its stake in the Mercenary Guild. As a veteran merc, Kate can take over Guild’s unfinished jobs, not knowing they are connected. An old enemy has arisen.

My thoughts:
I wanted to read the PB, so I waited, all while everyone else read this one so much earlier. But I need my fix in print ;)

They are out of the Keep. I kind of miss the Keep now. But they are both happier and that is all that matters.
The Guild is going to hell.
Strange things eating cats.
A missing buffalo.
And something else hunting in the city.

Seriously when you get to 8 you go all eh, I have said it all. Though I must confess, I am crushing on evil EVIL Roland. He is just so evil you know. But then there was an even more evil thing, gods he is evil

So...everyone is kickass. Not a lot happened. It was a good book, but not as awesome as those in the early days. Or maybe that is just me wanting an ending, cos when it get to these many books I always fear that they will start to drag. I worry ok.

But...good book :)

She really is the perfect Kate

Mass Market Paperback, 375 pages
Published February 23rd 2016 by Ace (first published August 4th 2015)
Kate Daniels #8
Urban fantasy


  1. Gah! I loved this one. I loved learning yet another interesting mythology. I loved seeing Kate and Curran adjust to life outside the Keep. I loved Roland - have you read the novella that is from Derek's POV that came out in the fall/winter?? You need to! Glad you finally got to read it!

    1. Nope, but I will :D

      I miss it, but they are SO much better away from that place

  2. Oh I kind of disagree! I miss the Keep a bit too - but I definitely don't want an ending yet. Roland is just creepy as hell!

    1. I am just scared I will get bored one day

  3. I am like you when a series starts to grow. I worry it will start to drag. I think my favorite is book six though. But I really liked what she did with this book and boy what a teaser at the end right?

    1. I really liked book 6, that one was awesome!

      Oh it was so good

  4. And I just read book 1 and probably forgotten most of it

  5. I'm actually reading the first of the series as we speak. :)

  6. Replies
    1. I have had the week off, so nooooo, not Friday already

  7. I just found my copy of the first book while i was cleaning up, yay! I'm going to reread so I can get back into the swing of things. :)

  8. I think this one was setting things up for the next one *nods* Glad you enjoyed!!

  9. lol about evil Roland. I always like a good baddie.

  10. I hear the books in this series just gets better and better. I have only read the first one, but I do plan on continuing so I can get to the good stuff!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  11. I agree that this series has lost its appeal over time, a bit, but it's still Kate Daniels so I'll keep picking up the sequels. Great review!

  12. When you list those points like that, things sound like they get a bit crazy and then you read the book and find out they really do get a bit crazy. LOL

  13. I canunderstand, I'm always anxious

  14. I loved seeing how Kate and Curran are adjusting to life outside of the Keep. I was glad that we still got to see many of the characters from the Keep. That was my biggest fear going into this book, that we would loose a lot of those characters. I love Dali as the consort. Great review.

    1. I felt the same. It was just them and I was all, I want the rest! I am glad we got that too

  15. I still love this series but I think I expected more from this book. Everything has changed for them but it's just more fight...fight...fight... and not a lot of progress. I thought Derek/Julie's novella had way more development that this one.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. True, that is why I could not love it as much as previous books. I still want more, but now they are good and not awesome

  16. Evil Roland is so fun to hate - and crush on! Haha. It was definitely odd seeing them out of the Keep but I think Andrews pulled it off!

  17. This is the only one that I've not read yet, and I just added it to my Amazon cart! I decided to just by the whole series in print since I plan to reread it at some point. I'll be all caught up after this, so I can be prepared for the next book.

    1. Yay print!
      I got that novella still to go so not caught up here either

  18. I just got this and can't wait to read it! I waited for the PB too and I had to get that Derek novel in print too :)

  19. I liked this one too...probably not as much as five or six...but still quite fun and boy in the middle there, it got a bit emotional for me.



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