Tuesday 1 August 2017

TMST : One star reviews?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

This week's conversation starter: 

August 1st: Do you give out one star reviews? 
I do not have a problem with them, but a 1 star book is bad. Really bad. I always have a few because sometimes I live on cloud 9 and believe it will get better. Or maybe I am bored and lazy and do not change books. Those times I give out 1 star reviews.

But most of the time those 1s do not make it far. I dnf them pretty early on. I will not spend my time on reading bad books when I have a million freebie ebooks, when the library keep getting new books and when I still have books on my tbr. No time for 1s!

If a book deserve a 1, then no problemas. A one it is.

 The weather sucks, let's stay inside. April


  1. If a book deserves one star then that is what it will get.

  2. I rarely quit on a book but will if it's that bad. I generally don't rate books I quit on.

    1. In my mind they are worth 1s but I do not rate them

  3. I usually reserve one stars for the books that should burn in hell lol! Usually because they have toxic romances, have racist elements etc ...

    1. Haha, i know. The toss across the room book..damn that book still makes me mad, grrrr

  4. You'll never see a 1 star review from me because I won't read it far enough to know how bad it is. I give a book 50 pages if it does nothing for me I quit reading it. I don't have any choice when I review editorially so when its a book I choose and its bad I won't get that far. But I do value my blogger friends advice so if I see a low rating on a blog I follow I'm pretty sure to ignore the book. Great post

    1. Good for you. It's is terrible to go through a bad book

  5. I have a couple of times but I usually finish books that I start because I just have to. I need to know if it gets better.

  6. To be a 1 star means it's AWFUL but why trudge though that? I have no problem giving a book that if that's how I felt though.

    I DNF'd a book the other day!!!! Aren't you proud of me??? lol

    For What It's Worth

  7. I agree...I only 1 star a book if its really bad and is a book I couldn't ever recommend.

  8. Yeah if it's a 1 star I just DNF *nods*

  9. I don't have a problem giving out 1 star but I usually just toss those books aside without a rating. Most 2 star books make me wonder why I didn't just stop.

  10. I have no problem with giving one-star reviews or even 1/2 star reviews (for the fanfic I read and only rate privately on LibraryThing).

    1. Never given a 1/2 one, but one sure deserved a 0

  11. I'm the same way. If it's a bad book, I'm more likely to DNF it, not give it one star. I wouldn't bother.

  12. It is rare for me to deal them out, but I will give them.

  13. The thing is, I've never given a one-star review to my knowledge, but not because I wouldn't. I've DNF'd plenty and given out 2s, but apparently I quit before I can give it a 1. :)

  14. I have no problems dishing out 1 star reviews either, but I haven't done so in a while. Probably because I've gotten much better at picking books I think I'll like in recent years, I mean, 1 star would have to be REALLY bad. Like, no redeeming qualities kind of bad.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Books I pick out for myself works the best. Books I just find at the library...eh not so much

  15. I don't use a star ratjng, but if I did, there would only be one book that I would have given a one star to. Hell, I may even give a no star rating.

  16. I only give one if I don't DNF the book & end up finishing & being disappointed. But giving 1 star is a pretty hard job sometimes when the book has loads of 4/5 star reviews :D

    1. True, but not on those that look totally fake

  17. If I quit, which is rare but I will, I mark it DNF with no stars.

  18. I have no issues with 1 stars, but I don't know if I've ever given one. It isn't that I have a problem with giving one, it is more that I haven't finished a book that I disliked that much. If I DNF, I don't rate it. I have done a decent number of 2 stars for books that I didn't enjoy, but finished because I had to know the ending.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. THose are the worst, you have to know and you finish the, and you not care for them

  19. I don't really have a problem with 1 stars either, although I don't give many out. 2's though I do occasionally. If I did ARC's I'm sure I'd do more because I wouldn't be picking out my own reads as much, I'm pretty picky. But then again I don't really use star ratings, except on Goodreads, and I suck at updating that lol.

    1. I use GR for writing my reviews cos then everything I need is in one place

  20. Yep... I rarely give 1 star reviews, in fact, I don't think I ever have. I've given a 2.5 before (and a D+ once I switched rating scale). I only pick books I want to read. And if it's bad - DNF!

    1. I have read a few wtf ones so those deserved ones



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