Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Carole does TMST: Teen romances

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

I wrote most of my posts before Sigrid was born, then I wrote a couple after that (the short ones ;) And now I have reached the end so I asked Carole to help out this time :D

Favorite teen romances? Hmmm that is a tough one for sure……
I am about to hear the groans and moans on this one, but it isn’t what it will seem. I promise. But I love the teen romances in the Twilight books. NOT Edward and Belle or Belle and Jacob. I love the side character romances like Rosalie and Emmett or Alice and Casper. I love all the pack members when they find the ones they imprint on. I loved hearing about those romances and love stories. Edward and Belle has nothing on them at all. 

The teen romance that I really love is the love story between the characters in Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn. SO tragic, SO sad. These two spirits keep finding each other in all these lifetimes, but something always pulls them apart. Some may call this one cheating, because in some of their lifetimes they are not teens, but I totally count this one! This is so good and it takes centuries for them to have their HEA. SO GOOD!!! I need to re-read this. 

Thank you, Blodeuedd, for letting me share my thoughts this week!!

What is there really to say? I am of course a lover of books, poetry, movies, plays, and music. Nothing is better than enjoying a cup of tea and immersing yourself in another world and forgetting about the world for just a little bit. My cat and chinchillas keep me entertained over here in Michigan (the mitten state of the USA). I'm game for any genre of book or movie. You can find me over at Carole Rae's Random Ramblings.


  1. I don't read any teen romances, including the Twilight series, but bloggers such as yourself and others have given some great recommendations. Hugs...RO

  2. thanks for the share, although I don't really care for YA it does look good

  3. I'm not really a fan of teen romances. Having a teenage daughter and hearing about her friends is enough teen drama for me.

  4. I'm not big on teen romances, but they do seem to be popular.

  5. I haven't read that many teen romances!

  6. I've had to skip the past few weeks because whenever there are lists I just go completely blank lol

    A month from now I'll remember all the funny books and teen romances I loved lol

    For What It's Worth

  7. Ha! Belle. xD See how much I give a care about her? Can't even bother to spell her name right.

  8. Thanks Carole! I haven't read teen romances since I was a preteen.

  9. I am not a big fan of teen romances to be honest even though they are super popular. There are only a few I like. I do remember enjoying Meg Cabot books and the Avon True Romance series was pretty dang good.

  10. Oh, I did like the side romances in the Twilight books, too. And your reincarnation tragic one does have appeal. I enjoy a good teen romance if it doesn't get over the top angsty or into the triangle stuff.

  11. I didn't know about this one but well right now I can't find a book I would choose. I need to think about it

  12. I don't read much YA anymore but I loved Alex, Approximately and The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett. I also loved Tell Me Three Things. Never hear of your mention so I'll have to check it out. :)

  13. I confess I am not a fan of teen romances. Too much teenage angst. Drives me batty. But that said, I love the Poison series by Maria V Snyder. Her characters are very mature.

  14. There are some good ones out there :) Every once in a while they hit the spot.

  15. I have read quite a few teen romances over the years but I can't think of any that really stand out to me at the moment.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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