Wednesday, 1 November 2017

America City - Chris Beckett

America, one century on: a warmer climate is causing vast movements of people. Droughts, floods and hurricanes force entire populations to simply abandon their homes. Tensions are mounting between north and south, and some northern states are threatening to close their borders against homeless fellow-Americans from the south.

Against this backdrop, an ambitious young British-born publicist, Holly Peacock, meets a new client, the charismatic Senator Slaymaker, a politician whose sole mission is to keep America together, reconfiguring the entire country in order to meet the challenge of the new climate realities as a single, united nation. When he runs for President, Holly becomes his right hand woman, doing battle on the whisperstream, where stories are everything and truth counts for little.

But can they bring America together - or have they set the country on a new, but equally devastating, path? 

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: November 2nd 2017 by Corvus
I received this title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.

My thoughts:
I can totally see this happening, totally. I hope a certain president do not get ideas from it...

The world has gone to hell. And some people still doubt climate change. Yup, I can see that too. The East coast is plagued by super storms. The west coast and inland is a dust bowl. Further south, oh there is nothing there but death and starvation. And the people up north do not want to take care of storm trash and dusters. Yes they might be fellow Amercians but to take them all in, hell no! Not that rapist trash! I can totally see that happening, people looking out for nr 1. It is one thing to help a few, but when the half the country is unlivable...then that is another thing.

And in steps Holly who gets a new job. She is a delicado or as she would have been called now, a snowflake. Yes it is a derogatory term. She will help Senator Slaymaker win the presidential  race, and honestly, I wish Holly had never met him. Holly changes and at the end I do not like her. Or any American for that matter. I can not tell you what happens, but, still at the same time. Looking out for nr 1 is human nature. I get it.

It does make you sad. Because this future is way too real. If we do not stop global warming (eh what warming, fake news!) then this is out future and the world burns.

It's one of those books that make you think, and fear the future too.


  1. yeah I did read some books a bit like that

  2. I already fear the future so this might be too scary for me.

  3. Blodeuedd fantastic review in the past I think this would be termed as alternative fiction now, not so much.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh no we do NOT. Trust me, fu Holly is all I say

  5. The world is a scary place, especially with that certain president in charge! Sounds like this is very realistic. Great review! :)

    1. Oh yes, that is why I felt like this is so the future that might happen

  6. I'm not one for scary books because I don't ever really find them scary. However, books like this, where it's actually possible for these things to be in our future... yeah, those terrify me.

  7. There are an awful lot of people who still don't believe climate change is a real thing.

  8. There is a ton of books like these I am interested in, but than I feel like they hit too close to home and honestly a bit too scary to consider

    1. I know, he even mentions the tyrant period ;) I guess a hint to Trump

  9. Replies
    1. SCary like it will happen any day...k fine, in 50 years

  10. Ooh, I wonder when this one will come out in the US. I really like the author's Dark Eden series.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Those are awesome, I feel they are better cos they are so weird :D

  11. Sounds very probable, unfortunately.

  12. Like the climate theme to this book and yes your comments are very spot on. I don't like it when a character develops backwards!

  13. Sounds like it could really happen. Very sad.


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