Thursday, 30 November 2017

The Death of Dulgath - Michael j Sullivan

When the last member of the oldest noble family in Avryn is targeted for assassination, Riyria is hired to foil the plot. Three years have passed since the war-weary mercenary Hadrian and the cynical ex-assassin Royce joined forces to start life as rogues-for-hire. Things have gone well enough until they're asked to help prevent a murder. Now they must venture into an ancient corner of the world to save a mysterious woman who knows more about Royce than is safe and cares less about herself than is sane.

Kindle Edition, 1 edition, 432 pages
Published October 15th 2015 by Riyria Enterprises, LLC
The Riyria Chronicles #3, Riyria #3

My thoughts:
All I could think about was how I could not remember how the Heir of Novron ended! I, I can't. I need to re-read. SO yes I know these take place before that. But I have forgotten things so this one revelation was all, I did not remember all of that. I knew about Royce, but the rest was lost in time.

Anyway. Royce and Hadrian are hired to protect...well sort of...the Lady of Dulgath. I do feel like this one can be read on it's own. He creates a nice tale that makes you want more, but you also feel fine just jumping in. I only wanted more since I know something happened at the end of Novron but that is years ahead of this story.

Royce is awesome, I love him.
Hadrian is more the happy shiny people person. Yes you are a nice friend Hadrian, but Royce ;)

So they have an adventure. Get into trouble and on to new adventures! A good story, and I need more! I still have not read the series taking place 3000 years in the past ;)

Good fantasy


  1. That's good that you could catch up to speed even if you didn't remember things.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Well it is a prequel so I do not need to remember things ;)

  2. Seems this was a good one, it is always a worry going in when you feel you don't remember but as you say a prequel and satisfying so what more could a reader want.

  3. I've had that happen before. I've forgotten how things ended in the last book but caught up.

    1. Well this is a prequel so it is just me wondering how it all ended in the end

  4. Hate when it's been awhile and I forgot the previous book :(

    1. I do hate that. Luckily this just made me want to re-read the series that comes after this one, the series I forgot

  5. it sounds good and I love dark fantasy. Thanks Blodeuedd

    1. I would not exactly call this dark, quite the opposite

  6. It is good you were able to follow despite not remembering things from the Heir of Novron.

    1. I really should have made it clearer. That book takes place After this book. THis is a prequel

  7. Adventures with Royce and Hadrian are always a lot of fun. The next one in the Chronicle is coming out real soon, I can't wait! I like these prequel/stand alones :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. it looks like a good one again! I get you about not remembering!

  9. I always hate when I can't remember what I read in the earlier books - because even if the author does a great job writing the book, it always bugs me I can't remember.

    1. I would not have had the prob if the prequel had not come afterwards, lol

  10. That is why I like re-reading!

  11. I haven't heard of this series but it sounds great!


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