Tuesday 18 June 2019

TMST: Arcs

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

June 18th: Do you think Advanced Reading Copies are worth it?

I guess yes and no. I love getting an ARC and getting to read it sooner. I am so bad at waiting. And they do create good buzz too!

But I would love to get a book just as much after it has been published and give it as much love.

Any book I choose to read is a good book (well hopefully).

Ack so short again! But that is all I have to say :)


  1. I agree - ARCs can create buzz before a book is published. I think book sellers use them to decide if they want to order a book or not.

    1. Some do get buzz before they are even out as arcs too, buzz is crazy at times

  2. Yes & no for me too. It's fun to get them in the mail, but then there's added pressure to get them reviewed near the release date.

    1. I never get surprise ones so that is not a worry for me ;)

  3. I've started reviewing even my arc's a little later - about a week after publication. i used to do it a little early but they already get so much early attention and it helps keep the book out there.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. That is a good idea, and I so do not liek when people review 2 months before, that is just cruel

  4. I only request a few each month so I don't feel pressured. I usually stick with authors or series that I already liked but sometimes I find a book that I really want to read.

    1. I do request a looot of audios, I have a problem

  5. I agree. I do love to get books no matter what but I do love ARCs when it is a series I enjoy!

  6. I think arcs fill a need for reviewers and early readers alike they do cause a buzz. I do prefer mine in digital now though. Great topic

  7. Yes and mainly no these days, I hate the pressure of having to review it. But still they're kinda nice!

    1. I never get that many so I never worry, but when I got more then it was stressful

  8. I do think arcs help generate interest and sometimes I'll take on a book I wouldn't normally if it's offered. :)

    1. Me too, and then they are surprisingly good :D

  9. I enjoy ARCs and when I fall in love with the book I like to buy a copy and have both sitting on my shelf. But sometimes they do sit there, staring at me, pressuring me to read them on time when I'm busy. So...yes and no. ;)

    1. Oh yes good books need to go on my keeper shelf :D

  10. If I get them as surprises, I like that b/c there aren't too many like that and I never feel pressured to read them for the release date, but only when I have time and interest.

    The ones I do request tend to come as eARCS and I try to read them around the release date, but don't worry if I do take a few extra weeks when I'm not in the mood at the time.
    I don't get any audio ARCs so those are always no-pressure listens.
    So, I guess I don't mind ARCs no matter how I get them. :)

    1. Same, surprises are surprises and not counted in what to read so they will get the time they need

  11. I'm the same way. I still love getting ARCs, but these days I find it harder to read something far in advance. But it's nice to have that choice with books I'm super excited about :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  12. I do love getting ARCs of books I want to read so I can post a review around release date. But lately I've been falling further and further behind.

    1. :/ I hear ya, it is hard to keep up these days

  13. I really appreciate that authors and publishers give me free copies. Really helps me stay in budget. I don't get many eARC and even less print ARCs, but I get a ton from audiobook publishers.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. I could not buy as many as this. I would be mostly library based so I am really thankful too



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