Monday 1 July 2024

Best of June


Happy July! Here are our bests from June. 

Best Book of the Month:

"Something different. Great feel to it."

"Def the best book of June. So good!"

Best Movie of the Month:

"Such a good movie. All the feels. "

"I finally managed to watch a movie. Funny."

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - That 90's Show (s2)
"Watched this over the weekend."

"Showed up on Netflix and it's been years since I've watched it so why not! So freakin' good!"

Best Cover of the Month:

Blodeuedd's Fave
Carole's Fave


  1. My daughter just told me about That 90's Show. I had no idea that was out. I loved the original.

  2. My kiddo watches the 90s show. I will see bits and pieces and then bug her to fill me in on what's happening.

  3. House with Good Bones was awesome! And so was the new Patricia Briggs



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