Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Review: Beneath the Thirteen Moons - Kathryne Kennedy

Genre: Fantasy Romance with a hint of sci-fi
Pages: 384
Published: December 2010 Sourcebooks Casablanca

The book features a magical, watery world in which mammoth trees grow up from the ocean floor, supporting all life within their canopy. In spite of the beauty and abundance, the world is harshly divided into two classes: pampered royalty and struggling have-nots. In search of a Healer for her swampland village, smuggler Mahri Zin inadvertently kidnaps the heir to the throne, Korl Com'nder. As the two become lovers, they discover that not only are their fates intertwined, but the very survival of their peoples depends on them...

Mahri needs a healer for her village and by mistake she kidnaps the crown prince, there is instant lust between these. But he is a royal that has everything and she is just a low water-rat.

My thoughts:
The world she creates is pure magic. Truly something I have not experienced in a while. I want to see it on a big screen, I fear my imagination could only take me so far. The world is hard to describe, 13 moons, trees growing out from the ocean and people living in them, beneath them the ocean beasts. A world is filled with wonders. I do confess that it was not as good as her last book, but then this is an old book that has been re-issued so she has become a better writer, but the book is still good.

Mahri is a strong independent widow who does not want to love and loose again. But she and Korl are meant for each other but she fights it with every muscle. He realizes his love and yields to it. But I understand her, she is not him, she lives in a swamp, he in a palace. And even a golden cage would be a cage for her. She is a runner, I will give out that. But I understand her. And I do love a man who will give up everything. Of course these two have one rocky romance, they are so different.

I have already told you the world is pure magic, what a creation. For some reason I thought of Avatar, well had to think of something even though they are nothing alike. It came more when Mahri got the information that her people came from the sky in fire. Therefore the hint of sci-fi, but the technology is long go. Now they use magic they get from a root found in the swamp.

Final thoughts and recommendation:
Ok yes there is the romance, but honestly, the world intrigued me more. So that was my fav part in this book. I am a sucker for good world-building. Cos of that I will give it a 3,25. It was interesting, and something for lovers of fantasy romance, and sci-fi since even if there was not any sci-fi in it I had that alien feeling all way through.

Reason for reading:
Liked her other book

I like the colors but the man, I mean he stands there and saying come here look at my


  1. I can see why you thought of Avatar with this book.

  2. B,

    I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I tried to read it - I really did - but I just could not get into it. I'm not sure why.


  3. It's SO amazing when the worlds authors create are great. This definitely sounds awesome...great review! :)

  4. The world sounds gorgeous.

  5. i still need to read something by this author, i love the fantasy aspect.

  6. DC
    Not blue cat people but still..

    Oh :( Too bad, I think what made me plunge into this one was just the world cos I know what you mean.

    I know, that is why I love fantasy so much, because the freedom there is just so amazing

  7. Great review Blodeuedd!

    I just recently finished this book and like you, I thought the world was pretty amazing but the romance and the characters, not so much. Mahri was pull-your-hair-out stubborn. She's my heroine pet peeve. Loved Korl though.

  8. I kind of skimmed for now as I have this one to read soon. I hope it'll be one I'll enjoy.

  9. Carol
    It sure was

    Do read The Fire Lord's lover, that one was so cool

    I do know what you mean. In any other book I would have wanted to kick her, but for some reason here I got her. Yes she had him but she was so alone and unhappy. And before that she could not trust him. It worked for me in thsi one, even though this same scenario in another book made me wanna her that heroine

  10. Sounds interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it. Good review!

  11. This sounds interesting. Haves and have nots? Oh, the political implications! LOVE your description of the book cover! LOL

  12. Good fictional world building is something nice in a sci-fi book and your comments concerning the cover are spot-on! Good review!

  13. Sounds like pretty amazing world building there...

  14. Thanks Linda :)

    Lol, I mean just look at him there, slowly showing what he has got ;)

    It did make me giggle the first time I saw it. And oh yes a good world is so needed then

    It was so different from what i have read before

  15. I like the romance and mystery part but sci fic - I really don't think so!

    My first giveaway is up on my blog. A gift card sponsored by CSN stores. Please do enter.

  16. *waves* Hi, B!
    You don't like men showing their nipples, huh? ;D

  17. I've never heard of this author but the story sounds fantastic. I'd love to read it. I'll have to see if I can find it the next time I hit the Jerusalem book stores.

  18. Your cover thoughts made me laugh my butt off!!! Sounds like a fun read and when you can envision it as a movie that's saying something!

  19. Hey honey! I am peeking in to see what you have going on today! Great review honey! I have not read this book nor seen this book... but I am glad that you gave it a chance!

    Hope all is well honey! Warm hugs to you!!

  20. ...he stands there and saying come here look at my nipple...

    *big grin* I would like to read this just to experience the fantasy world she has created. 13 moons & swamp people? Interesting!

  21. Darn it. I thought that was a new cover for that guy, but I had it. *pouts*

  22. Mystica
    Oh can't enter that :(
    But to not fear the sci-fi, cos in truth there is no sci-fi at all, there is only fantasy

    Hihi, I do like that, but honestly it's everywhere, and here it looked rather silly. The way he is showing it

    See what you can find, her new series is just magical, the Fire Lord's lover, so very cool. Have not red the rest

    it would be done in 3D to show it all ;) I am so weird

  23. Chris
    Oh dang, too bad, and I knew I had seen him before

    Hon, glad you stopped by *hugs* All well here, just stressing over this horrid paper I have to write

    Yup 13 moons! That is one full sky, and the water is out of control there

  24. LOL - your cover comment cracks me up ;-D

  25. This one sounds good...I wonder why I passed it up. I'm going to have to add it to my list of books I want to read :) Great review

  26. I'm honestly not normally the hugest fan of romance, but this sounds AMAZING! The world she has created sounds imaginative and fabulous, and I'm thinking I want to read this book just for that! :-)

  27. I posted my review of this today as well. I loved The Fire Lord's Lover but this one fell flat for me. I loved the world she built and agree it reminds me of Avatar but the story line was so lacking!

  28. I just saw this book at the bookstore and was wondering about. Great review!

  29. The world in the book does sound really nice.
    I can see how it would remind you of Avatar.

  30. VV
    Hihi, I do like making them up

    Thanks Bucky
    Have you read The Fire Lord's lover by her?

    The world was why I enjoyed it for sure :)It was just so freaky, so so imaginative

    It could have been better, I agree to that, still amazing world

    Thanks Yvonne
    Oh cool :)

  31. Naida
    Must have been all the plants :)

  32. I can still here pattepoilue squeeing at me about that other book....Perhaps I should give one of them a shot.

  33. Susi
    Oh that one had so many levels of awesome. You really should read it, some sexy elves too there ;)

  34. Haha, come here look at my nipple. So funny.

    Anywho, I've wanted to check out Kennedy's books for a while. I have The Fire Lord's Lover on my TBR list but this one sounds equally as good. I look forward to reading her work.

  35. Mishel
    Ohh you already got one, well read it and I hope you will enjoy it and get a taste for her works.

  36. Mishel-definitely read The Fire Lord's Lover. So good!

  37. "here, look at my nipple" LOVE it! Thanks for the laugh and the review :)

  38. Jenny
    Lol, I am glad I gave you something to smile about


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