Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Assassin's Fate and Tell Me Something Tuesday: Do you Cross post your reviews on Amazon?

Prince FitzChivalry Farseer’s daughter Bee was violently abducted from Withywoods by Servants of the Four in their search for the Unexpected Son, foretold to wield great power. With Fitz in pursuit, the Servants fled through a Skill-pillar, leaving no trace. It seems certain that they and their young hostage have perished in the Skill-river.

Clerres, where White Prophets were trained by the Servants to set the world on a better path, has been corrupted by greed. Fitz is determined to reach the city and take vengeance on the Four, not only for the loss of Bee but also for their torture of the Fool. Accompanied by FitzVigilant, son of the assassin Chade, Chade’s protégé Spark and the stableboy Perseverance, Bee's only friend, their journey will take them from the Elderling city of Kelsingra, down the perilous Rain Wild River, and on to the Pirate Isles.

Their mission for revenge will become a voyage of discovery, as well as of reunions, transformations and heartrending shocks. Startling answers to old mysteries are revealed. What became of the liveships Paragon and Vivacia and their crews? What is the origin of the Others and their eerie beach? How are liveships and dragons connected?

But Fitz and his followers are not the only ones with a deadly grudge against the Four. An ancient wrong will bring them unlikely and dangerous allies in their quest. And if the corrupt society of Clerres is to be brought down, Fitz and the Fool will have to make a series of profound and fateful sacrifices.

My thoughts:
I always loved Fitz, and omg the things she put him through. I still remember crying in book 1, or was it book 2? Well she sure put him through a lot. And then came another trilogy and she continued to torment him. And then came this trilogy and omg FITZ! At least he was happy for a little while and he had his wife, and a daughter. But then Molly died, and then Bee was taken. Come on! Stop being so cruel to the poor man!

And that is where we are now. Fitz and the Fool (and others) are in the dragon city of Kelsingra and on their way to Clerres to find Bee, or kill the mofos that took her.

Bee is with her captors also on route to Clerres and I just want to kick those freaking bastards. She is a child!

I really despise the Servants and the Whites. Let's bring down holy fire on those cruel bastards.

She brings in the liveships again (never did like that series, she was so cruel there too). But the ships are fascinating.

More dragons. A bit more learned about the Elderlings.

Bee started to grow on me.

I still do not care for the Fool.

Fitz *sobs* Nighteyes *sobs* It has been like decades in this world and I still mourn him.

Did I like the end? Hmmm, yes and no. At least it finally felt like an ending to the series. Some calm before whatever storm comes next. The first trilogy did not have a good ending. The second, sort of. This one, I guess it fits. Still...

I just ramble on. I do not know what to say. OH, do NOT start with this one. Do not be an idiot. You have to read them all. Or at least the first trilogy.

Eh, works

Hardcover, 853 pages
Published May 4th 2017 by Harper Voyager
The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #3, Realms of the Elderlings #16

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

This week's conversation starter: 
June 13th: Do you Cross post your reviews on Amazon?

Not all of them. Amazon is just so nasty sometimes. I mean I do not even post a lot there and still the comments I have gotten have been worse than GR, where I post a lot. Not that I have gotten a lot, but it's always someone trying to defend the book, and they have obviously not even read my review. Once someone even came back to apologize cos they had commented on the wrong review. I just feel Amazon is weird.

BUT, I do post reviews on amazon and those are the ones I have gotten from publishers or authors. Not the books I have read on my own. I might just be too lazy to post them all to be honest. I do not even bother to post NG reviews there all the time.

I do not like amazons ratings either. They have like two that mean good and the rest are crap. I just end up giving everything the same rating even when I have given different ones on GR.

So my answer it, yes sometimes.

Luci in March


  1. I should cross post to Amazon more but I just don't remember too most of the time. Then I see authors begging people to add reviews to amazon and I feel bad.

    1. I do feel bad when I see them beg :/ But amazon is so crap

  2. I keep meaning to read Hobb and haven't gotten around to it yet! I have to bump her up my TBD.

  3. I used to post all of my reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, and Library Thing but it just got to be too much work so I rarely do these days.

    1. I hear ya, there is just not enough time

  4. I find that the Amazon feedback is more personal. Like they are a friend of the author sent to defend their honor lol So I don't bother anymore.

    I get comment son my reviews on Goodreads but it tends to be about the book and even if they disagree it's very polite. So far anyway.

    For What It's Worth

    1. You have a point there. That is really how it is

  5. I do crosspost on amazon but it never emails me if people comment and I'm okay with that hahahaha

  6. Lol! Okay, I won't be an idiot. 😂 Everyone keeps saying how weird it is on Amazon. Now I want to post my reviews to find out

  7. Amazon is so weird with book reviews. I really dislike their helpful and unhelpful rating system. I, too, once got attacked for a review on a book and crazily enough by the time I even saw it (didn't realize I could pull up reviews with comments on them) there were a bunch of other people defending my review. LoL

    1. It is so weird and yes I so do not like the helpful thing

  8. Oh I agree...Amazon can get so nasty. My blog platform automatically cross posts to Goodreads for me which is nice. The only other place I try to keep up with is Library Thing.

    1. That is easy then :) I usually write first on gr and then post here

  9. I will cross post on Amazon, but mainly for the books I do for tours and/or reviews. When they are books I read on my own, usually not. It's just too much work. I do post on Goodreads which is mostly to remind myself about the books.

  10. She is evil ;)

    SO weird and neg

  11. I have only had a few issues on Amazon, but I just ignore anything that pops up

  12. Ooh Assassin's Fate. I used to be caught up on these books but I haven't read this latest trilogy. And you're right- Hobb is BRUTAL to Fitz, just frickin STAHP!!! lol I need to get these- to see how she closes things out. And I was never fond of Liveships either, I DNF'd the first one. Just totally didn't grab me.

    1. I know right. Damn her! *shakes fist*
      But you totes need to start this series too

  13. I always try to cross post my reviews. I know they are helpful to authors. Do I always? No. I forget frequently. But I agree with you on Amazon's rating system. According to them 3 stars is "okay" and on my blog 3 stars is 'good'. And they don't have 1/2 stars. I need half stars! #getsocial17

    1. I forget alllll the time.
      A 3 is good but yes when amazon has it as ok people get confused. And when I read GR reviews and people are all this book was only ok, almosed dissed it and then give it a 3

  14. I crosspost to Goodreads and Amazon... and I do notice that most people who take the time to comment on Amazon are nasty. Or they will vote your review unhelpful if they didn't agree with your rating/review. It's so annoying. But I try to do it to help the authors.

    I need to try this series by Hobb. I am always down for a good fantasy.

    Stopping by for #getsocial2017 from Bambi Unbridled

    1. I should post more there but I keep forgetting :/

      Yes try it :D

  15. Wow that book has a lot of pages! Never heard of the series, but happy to hear you're enjoying it since you've managed to get to the third book!

    I do post on Amazon because the publishers like it. Like you, I don't post if the book isn't an ARC. I hate the "not helpful" button they can hit because it's usually used for negative reviews! I hardly ever post negatives there anymore. I've had some awful comments from people, too. It sucks. :(

    1. Hehe, I know! It was hard to read with a newborn so I had to read it when I was not caring for her. Sneaked glimpses here and there

      DUnno what is up with those amazon peeps

  16. I don't always cross post to Amazon, mostly because I forget. But if authors ask me to, I usually oblige! :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  17. It sounds like an interesting series! I don't really post on amazon I confess. As Mogsy if someones asks me to post I do it

  18. Pretty much take the same approach to Amazon as yourself. Although no comments so guess didn't upset anyone. Would ignore if they did, silly people!

  19. I post my blog reviews to Goodreads and Amazon. I rarely check Amazon to see if I have comments. Do they send an alert when you get one? I know what you mean about the star rating issue.

    1. They do, but I am sure you can make it so that you do not get those emails

  20. Nope, I just post my reviews on GRs. :)

  21. You can now post reviews on Amazon even if you did not buy the book? Bc I have never crossed post my reviews bc of that reason.

  22. I like the sound of this book and series. Maybe one day I'll get to it. ;)

  23. Poor Fitz guy. So sad ;(

    And I am horrible...I rarely post on Amazon

  24. Believe it or not, I didn't know you could post reviews on Amazon. Thanks for sharing though it sounds like it may not be your favorite forum for posting your thoughts. I enjoyed stopping by. Thank you! #GetSocial17

    1. It's not all that bad, I just do not care for it

  25. I just transfer my regular star rating to all the different places no matter what that platform considers them. I figure most will know a 4 is good and a 2 is not. lol

    1. I could not do that on amazon cos then people would think the book was just ok so 4 to everyone, crap or not

  26. This book series sounds rather interesting; i don't think I'll pick it up though! Too many books and too little time!
    I'm pretty much the same way with Amazon. It takes too much time and effort to post all of my reviews on there, but I do for books that I have received from authors or as ARCs from some other source. :-) #getsocial17
    -Amy @ burstingwithbooks.com

  27. I jumped over your review! I haven't read Robin Hobbs books yet! However, the discussion topic was really interesting. I only cross post reviews if I received them from the author, publisher or if they are indie. However, I have recently been crossposting reviews for all the diverse books I read. #getsocial17

    1. That is a good idea :) Those deserve some more spotlight.

      And well since this is book 16 in a way so ;)

  28. I used to always crosspost to Amazon, especially on smaller books because the authors have expressed over and over how much it helps them - even if the reviews aren't stellar. HOWEVER, when Amazon started requiring me to answer a stupid question about the writing style or other such nonsense, I stopped posting reviews. It pissed me off. How do I summarize the content of the book with one question? This is why I write reviews! *head desk* It's not worth the hassle. I've also had friends who have had their reviews removed and such. So only once and a great while do I do it now.

    1. Omg yes I totally forgot to mention that! It is soooo annoying! I was all omg I do not care, let me post my review. I have no idea what is explicit to others..

      I hate that I can not use the word asshat there


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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