Tuesday 4 November 2014

The City Stained Red - Sam Sykes

Long before he was sent to hell, the Aeon known as Khoth-Kapira was the closest thing to a living god the world had ever known. Possessed of a vast intellect, he pioneered many of the wonders that persist in the world that lingered long after he was banished. Nearly every fragment of medical, economic and technological progress that the mortal races enjoyed could be traced back to him. But with his wonders came cruelty beyond measure: industrialized slavery, horrifying experimentations and a rage that would eventually force the world to bow to him.

Now, as Khoth-Kapira stirs the world begins to shudder with disasters yet to come.The epicenter is the city of Cier'Djaal. A religious war between two unstoppable military juggernauts begins to brew. The racial fury among many peoples of the world is about to explode. Demons begin to pour from the shadows at the head of a vicious cult worshipping dark powers.

And Lenk finds himself in the middle once more, his fate and the fate of Khoth-Kapira interlinked as the demon attempts to convince him of his earnestness.

"Your world is breaking around you," He Who Makes says, "let me fix it. Let me help you. Let me out." 

My thoughts:
I do like a messed up city, you know, the kind of city where you would never want to live, heck you would not even want to visit. But itt makes for a good story and a good setting.

In this city things are brewing. It has grown fat on it's on people. Some are rich, some have nothing. Spiders roam everywhere because they are the source of money. There are soldiers from many places, and tensions run high. No one wants to ignite it, but everyone wants the be the ones left standing. And if that wasn't enough a "God", well demon, is trying to come back and take power. His followers are tearing things apart. Like I said, it's not the place to be right now. 

This book follows the same group from an earlier trilogy. Since I ever only read book 1 from that one and that was ages ago, I can say that it works like this. Though it could always have had a bit more presentation. But it works.

The book changes between a few POVS. Lenk, our hero, ok I am kidding, he is not a hero. He is a killer. Kataria who comes from a race who hunts humans for fun. Oh I liked her, she struggles with her place in the world in this book. Denaos who has been to the before (now that would be quite the book), Asper a healer who is the sane and nice one, but who has a secret. Plus a wizard and a dragonman. They are all on their own adventures and agendas. The city seems to throw them all into different directions. Like it wants them to separate.

The book is about, them all going and doing their own stuff (too much to tell here, secrets hello.) The city crumbling around them and them trying to stay alive, while killing a few. And trying to find the man who led them here so they can get paid. Adventure, secrets and death is what the story has to offer.

I do wonder where the story will go, at the end I had doubts. Maybe the city really should fall. It was not a good city. It also had me wondering about other things, thrilling.

Simple, I like it

Paperback, 400 pages
Published October 28th 2014 by Gollancz
Bring Down Heaven #1
for review


  1. I like that the characters seem to be in a morally grey area instead of heroic.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  2. Killers and sociopath are always entertaining in fantasy books :) Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. agree I like reading about places I'd never want to visit. Sounds like a book of anti-heroes. I'll have to look up this series.

  4. This sounds good. I didn't realise he has 2 trilogies.. And I haven't read any of his books yet...

  5. Spiders are roaming the city?? That's messed up. Eeek!

    1. Well almost roaming ;) They have places that are theirs cos their silk make the world go round

  6. A messed up city and an antihero? I might have to check this out!

  7. Aaaaand I totally checked out at "spiders roam everywhere" Nopes! ::shudders:: lol

  8. Interesting... *rubs hands together*. Is this more sci-fi or dystopic? I see dragonman... if it's too sci-fi I'll bail. Oh heck no to spiders!

    1. It's def fantasy, nothing sci-fi about it. Dragonman is just his species

  9. Oh yes, I love the sound of this and agree a messed up city sounds creep-tastic

  10. This is going to be high priority for me next month, after all the sci-fi madness of November is over!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  11. Ahhh, why is everyone reading this but me! I have looked forward to it for quite a while.

  12. It must be interesting to discover a city like that, plus it's original to have such a hero too.

  13. I have so no idea where this is going

  14. sounds awesome! And I actually really like the cover, too.

  15. Spiders roam everywhere? *shudders* Not the city for me I don't think!

    1. I HATE spiders, I am so glad they are tiny here

  16. This one sounds like something I'd enjoy in audiobook.

  17. Sounds like a good town to get drunk in. ;D Then when you wake from your stupor you wonder why the hell you went there and run as fast as you can! lol



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