Thursday 6 November 2014

The Rake's handbook - Sally Orr

The Rake’s Handbook was written on a dare, and soon took the ton by storm. Now its author, Ross Thornbury, is publicly reviled by the ladies—who are, of course, forbidden to read the handbook—but privately revered by the gentlemen. Unfortunately, Ross’s notoriety is working against him and he flees London painfully aware of the shortcomings of his own jaded heart.

Spirited young widow Elinor Colton lives next to Ross’s country estate. She’s appalled not only by his rakish reputation, but also by his progressive business plans. Elinor is sure she is immune to Ross’s seductive ways. But he keeps coming around…impressing her with his vision for England’s future and stunning her with his smiles.

How does one resist the man who wrote the manual on love? 

My thoughts:
Oh these two, it was pretty amusing. Especially when she was told a rake was coming to the village. It was really life and death.

Ross is a rake. What can one say. Women are fun and he only plays around with those who want it, and well flirts a lot with all of them. And manages to seduce the rest. Now his mother wants him to settle.

Elinor is a widow, and she is just coming out of mourning. She has quite the number of would-be suitors too. I liked how she really missed her husband and was afraid to move on.

These two meet, flirt. Meet again, flirt and then well the rest is history. But there is tension too, he wants to build a mine. She is afraid everything will get polluted. He is progressive, she wants things to stay like they are cos she is happy where she is. That is the drama in this book. It's pulling them in different directions (not to mention that his mother wants a suitable daughter in law.

'But as we all know the HEA will conquer in the end. Quite the fun road to it.

Come hither look

Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Published November 4th 2014 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
The Rake's Handbook #1
Historical romance
For review


  1. oooh I LOVE rakes! The part when they realize they've been tamed by a lovely girl is always the best part.

  2. Ahh, rakes. I think not being able to resist them is perfectly normal, but very, very dangerous. Except when it turns out ok, like it does for these two.

  3. I haven't read a good historical romance in awhile, me thinks I need a good one ;)
    Aside from the requisite Nancy Drew, etc ... I cut my teeth on my mom's historical romances around 10-11 years old ... heh! Probably not the best thing at that age (I did skip over a lot of the 'yucky' love stuff - until I hit about 15 or so) But I loved the adventure and historical fiction that those stories brought.
    I thought Johanna Lindsey was brilliant, still do, actually!

    1. Oh I adore them
      If you had not noticed ;)
      They are just fun, and light most of them. Something to read in between other genres.

      I started at 10 too with harlequin..and sheikhs, hehe

  4. Talk and Maja, rakes are dangerous, that's why it's so sweet when they fall in love.
    Kristi, Johanna IS brilliant.
    Thanks for the comments ladies

  5. I sure wouldn't trust that guy if he was selling used cars.

  6. The title made me laugh when I saw it, I'm glad to hear the story itself lives up to it too :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Poor man, he writes a handbook and everyone is all tsk ;)

  7. Oh it sounds like a good historical romance. I'm reading one but not sur it's really good for now.

  8. So now rakes need a handbook? Happy Friday btw!

    1. Those rakes, they do not know what to do with themselves

  9. Who doesn't love a rake? The look on his face made me LOL, though.

  10. Oh that looks fun! I love the title. Totally checking it out :)

  11. I really should get back to reading historical romances. This one sounds really good.

  12. I never understood the allure of the bad boy.

    1. I understand it, but I would never want one

  13. Oooooooo those rakes. Creating uproars since the dawn of man.

  14. Haha, the cracks me up for some reason! This is probably why I can't get through romance novels (!-__-)

    1. That look, I mean he is truly going for it



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