Tuesday 30 December 2014

Armed and Magical - Lisa Shearin

My name is Raine Benares. Until last week I was a seeker—a finder of things lost and people missing. Now I’m psychic roommates with the Saghred, an ancient stone with cataclysmic powers. Just me, the stone, and all the souls it’s ingested over the centuries. Crowded doesn’t even begin to describe it. All I want is my life back—which means getting rid of the stone and the power it possesses. To sort things out, I head for the Isle of Mid, home to the most prestigious sorcery school, as well as the Conclave, the governing body for all magic users. It’s also home to power- grubbing mages who want me dead and goblins who see me as a thief. As if that’s not enough, Mid’s best student spellsingers are disappearing left and right, and I’m expected to find them. Lives are at stake, goblins are threatening to sue, mages are getting greedier, and the stone’s power is getting stronger by the hour. This could get ugly.

My thoughts:
This is a fun series, and I would call it UF in a fantasy land. Cos it's so UF! Just you know, set in a fantasy world with elves, goblins and humans and magic.

Raine is a seeker, she has some magic but not a lot. But in the last book she became the host of this magical stone. And trust me, that is NOT a good thing. The stone is not a nice stone, and if Raine can't get rid of it then she will probably die.

But before that! An adventure on the island of mages. Mages are disappearing and she is the right woman for the job. All while trying to find a way to get rid of that stupid stone.

She is so cool. I like her. I like her pirate cousin, and I especially like Tam, mmm Tam. Yes choose the sexy bad boy goblin. Do not look at that pretty boy elf! Ok so yes I admit, there is a love triangle there, but I can live with it, as long as she goes for Tam ;)

I enjoyed it, and I want more.


Mass Market Paperback, 293 pages
Published April 29th 2008 by Ace
Raine Benares #2


  1. I have first book on my TBR, but I'm not sure about the love triangle... I hate love triangles!!

    1. Well to be fair, the goblin is an old flame

  2. That cover kinda reminds me of Sandy Williams' The Shadow Reader which was also a fun mix of UF / Fantasy. SOLD!

    1. I so did not like that one ;) too much romance and not enough UF. While this was epic fantasy in a light version

  3. Stone? Why can't she just toss it in the lake and be done with it. UNLESS it is attached to her or something. This series does sound fun.

    1. You know I can't say! But no, she can't just throw it away and be rid of it

  4. This sounds like fun :D Kind of like fantasy-light

  5. I love a good UF series so thanks for putting this one on my radar! :)

  6. I really need to try this one, I enjoyed the first one years ago!

  7. Lol because the bad guys are after that stone. I am sooooo glad you enjoyed this one, I absolutely love this series.

    1. I sure hope I will continue to like them too

  8. I have no read this series, but I'm enjoying her new UF, the SPI files. I want to read the second book that's coming out soon.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. Cool! I'll have to add this to my wish list. I recently discovered the author from her SPI novella in the NIGHT SHIFT anthology, and listened to the first book in that series as well. Really enjoyed the humor and story.

    1. After having read this one I do want to try that series too :) *fingers crossed* that I will enjoy that one too

  10. I must meet this Tam! It's not every day I see someone rooting for the goblin side of a love triangle :-)



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