Thursday 18 December 2014

The Mark of the Tala - Jeffe Kennedy

The tales tell of three sisters, daughters of the high king. The eldest, a valiant warrior-woman, heir to the kingdom. The youngest, the sweet beauty with her Prince Charming. No one says much about the middle princess, Andromeda. Andi, the other one.

Andi doesn't mind being invisible. She enjoys the company of her horse more than court, and she has a way of blending into the shadows. Until the day she meets a strange man riding, who keeps company with wolves and ravens, who rules a land of shapeshifters and demons. A country she'd thought was no more than legend--until he claims her as its queen.

In a moment everything changes: Her father, the wise king, becomes a warlord, suspicious and strategic. Whispers call her dead mother a traitor and a witch. Andi doesn't know if her own instincts can be trusted, as visions appear to her and her body begins to rebel.

For Andi, the time to learn her true nature has come. . . 

My thoughts:
I should have written this review at once, but sometimes it's just so hard to write a review, you all know it. Been there, done that.

So, oh I hate when I am at a loss for words. Think now, think!

Right, we have Andi. The invisible princess who has pretty been blind too. She has been living her happy life, invisible to others, and happy on her own. Her family is a happy one and all is good. Or is it? Has she been blind to what truly is going on? What her father really is? Is he a good king or not?

He father is High King over 12 Kingdoms. And then there are the Others, the Tala. The demons in the woods. A demon she meets, a demon who tells her she is his. But are they  witches, demons and bad people that the whispers say?

I liked how everything was not as it seemed to be. How the happy fairytale like book turned darker. Filled with conflict and magic. And I liked Andi, who slowly started to question things.

But things are far from over so I look forward to reading book 2 :D I do wonder about that book as it is about her sister who is the happy Cinderella one.

A good fantasy romance. 


Paperback, 352 pages
Published May 27th 2014 by Kensington
The Twelve Kingdoms #1
Fantasy romance


  1. Wow. This sounds really good. Which princess is she suppose to be?

    1. What do you mean? She is the middle one

    2. I thought they are all based on Disney princesses like Cinderella or whatever

    3. Maybe I am thinking of another book. idk LMAO

    4. Oh no...I guess she could be Belle? But even if the youngest one get a Cinderella story, she is not really Cinderella. her father is the most powerful man in the kingdoms. But she meets a prince, falls in love and gets married at once. And in her book...he is dead, so new love

  2. Wondering about the sister and cinderella sounds like a lot of suspense until next book

  3. Yay! Glad you enjoyed it. Book 2 is also awesome imo

    1. Wishing for it for my bday ;)

    2. If that's a hint I will need to know when your birthday is ;-)

  4. I do love when you are unsure of everyone's intent :)

  5. I really need to try this author!

  6. I can enjoy a fantasy romance if it gets darker. Maybe.

  7. I haven't read this series, but my review partners really enjoy it. It's on my TBR.

  8. I love fantasy romance, so I definitely need to get myself a copy of this! Glad you enjoyed it :-)

  9. Like Lauren, I'm a big fan of fantasy romance, so I'm curious about this one for sure:)

  10. Try not to wait as long to write your review of book 2 once you've read it.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  11. LOL oh been there. I have one I read a while back that I totally forgot to even do a draft of. Oops! This one sounds pretty good :)

    1. Ohh bad. My problem is that I need to write it at once! Cos else my mind drifts

  12. I didn't know about this book. It sounds like something I would like.



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