Wednesday 15 July 2015

Dark Horse - Michelle Diener

Rose McKenzie may be far from Earth with no way back, but she's made a powerful ally--a fellow prisoner with whom she's formed a strong bond. Sazo's an artificial intelligence. He's saved her from captivity and torture, but he's also put her in the middle of a conflict, leaving Rose with her loyalties divided.

Captain Dav Jallan doesn't know why he and his crew have stumbled across an almost legendary Class 5 battleship, but he's not going to complain. The only problem is, all its crew are dead, all except for one strange, new alien being.

She calls herself Rose. She seems small and harmless, but less and less about her story is adding up, and Dav has a bad feeling his crew, and maybe even the four planets, are in jeopardy. The Class 5's owners, the Tecran, look set to start a war to get it back and Dav suspects Rose isn't the only alien being who survived what happened on the Class 5. And whatever else is out there is playing its own games.

In this race for the truth, he's going to have to go against his leaders and trust the dark horse.

My thoughts:
Please tell me where I can find sexy aliens with pointy ears...please? Pretty please with sugar on top? I want a Dav of my own.

Rose was kidnapped, tortured and experimented on by creepy claw aliens. But she found one friend. One who will do anything to free him and her. And then she is pointy eared aliens! Yay, elves! Lol, well sort of.

Before I say more, I must say that yes I am a bit afraid of sci-fi. I always thinks it's all space, ships and guns. Cold somehow. Which is silly. There are all kinds of sci-fi. And yes there was space, there were ships and even guns. But there were awesome interactions. A great heroine. Interesting world (well corner of space), and a good story. It did make me want to read more sci-fi.

Back to the story. She is rescued. She is a strange sentient being they have never encountered. Friend or foe? Who else is out there? And when the aliens who took her finds out they will surely be mad. So it's building and building. And in the mean time I enjoyed getting to know her and this world better.

And when it ended I would have loved to read more. I do hope she will write more too. It does seem I need more aliens in my life, more aliens on ships, hopefully with pointy ears (oh I do not have a weakness for pointy ears, what a thing to say...fine I admit, they are hot).

More adventures in this world would be fun.


ebook, 468 pages
Published June 15th 2015 by Eclipse


  1. I hear Diener will be writing about more of the Class 5's, so II'll bet we get more pointy eared aliens.

    I am still boggled that this is the same author who wrote A Dangerous madness though. It is fascinating.

    1. YAY. I should have asked her. Why do I never ask about these things?

      It's so different

  2. Sounds like an interesting world to read about and hope that you get more adventures here

  3. I love this authors regency romantic suspense stories and you have me curious about sexy aliens!

    1. They are so good! I hope that she writes more of those too

  4. Ha! Sci-fi is hot or miss for me but this one sounds good!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Same here. They can get a but too sciency

  5. I haven't read much sci-fi, I'm definitely adding this to the list:)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Let's just delete and start over. That's what I get for commenting via phone. Anyway, I meant that I'm still not sure I really want to read sci-fi and that cover doesn't help.

    1. Forget the cover, forget sci-fi. It was fun :)

  8. Not my thing, unless its a movie That's the only time i will indulge in an alien story.

    1. I watched Prometheus yesterday...this was better

  9. Dunno, I heard from a previous comment that there might be

  10. Oh a good scifi book! Sign me up. Oh and if you find that smexy alien, make sure he has a brother or twin. ;)

    1. LOL, I will make sure of that and send pics

  11. Sign me up for a sexy Alien!!

  12. Been a while since I've read about a sexy alien.

  13. I am terrified of Sci-Fi as well. But oddly enough, I'm on a Sci-Fi kick for the last few days. aliens though...

    1. Do not think too hard on the sexy part, they get very weird looking when u do that

  14. Oh I think this one is a bit too sci-fi for me...

  15. It looks like Michelle Diener is a very versatile author, she writes all kind of genres. I'll check this one out.

  16. Um, sexy alines with pointy ears? Have you looked around LOTR yet? I hear there's this super-delicious, long-haired guy with ... wait for it... POINTY ears, dude! :))) I have to admit this one sounds super good. Hope to find time to check it out soon!

    1. Lol. The heroine does think of Legolas when she sees the ears. Though that is the only resemblance

  17. When I read "sexy aliens with pointy ears" my mind screamed - elves from space. lol
    I do not have weaknes for pointy ears. So more for you. ;) I hope she writes more, since you liked Dark Horse so much. :)

    1. Lol, the heroine thought so too and was all ha, elves!

  18. I'll take some Legolas any day!! *fans self*



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