Friday 31 July 2015

Master of Crows - Grace Draven

What would you do to win your freedom? This is the question that sets bondwoman, Martise of Asher, on a dangerous path. In exchange for her freedom, she bargains with her masters, the mage-priests of Conclave, to spy on the renegade sorcerer, Silhara of Neith. The priests want Martise to expose the sorcerer's treachery and turn him over to Conclave justice. A risky endeavor, but one she accepts without hesitation--until she falls in love with her intended target.

Silhara of Neith, Master of Crows, is a desperate man. The god called Corruption invades his mind, seducing him with promises of limitless power if he will help it gain dominion over the world. Silhara struggles against Corruption's influence and searches for ways to destroy the god. When Conclave sends Martise as an apprentice to help him, he knows she's a spy. Now he fights a war on two fronts--against the god who would possess him and the apprentice who would betray him.

Mage and spy search together for a ritual that will annihilate Corruption, but in doing so, they discover secrets about each other that may damn them both. Silhara must decide if his fate, and the fate of nations, is worth the soul of the woman he has come to love, and Martise must choose continued enslavement or freedom at the cost of a man's life. And love. 

My thoughts:
I compared. I know! Silly silly me. But I had just read Radiance, and I loved the banter and easy comradeship between the two characters. While here, I compared and found it not as good.

Silhara was kind of an a-hole a lot of the time.

Martise was meak. Ok so yes she was a slave, but then at times she talked back. if she truly was a slave that would have gotten her beaten before. She kind of went from timid to extreme. Oh and worst spy ever, she did not even try.

The worldbuilding was missing.

I am all negative now. But the characters were still interesting. The story still good. I just compared, and compared. 

I did like the God bits, or Gods. That was interesting.

A light fantasy romance with the emphasis on romance, and a bit of passion. So yes good, but not as good as Radiance. See, still comparing! 


ebook, 276 pages
Published July 13th 2009 by Amber Quill Press
Master of Crows #1
Fantasy romance


  1. I wondered about this because I loved Radiance too.

    I'll mark it as a maybe for now...

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  2. I like the name Martise. Sometimes it's best not to compare, because you set the standards too high.

  3. Ah, I disagree. It's just a different type of fantasy. Entreat Me is very different from these two as well. Master of Crows reminded me of N.K.Jemisin style, she had that same " asshole who actually cared about the girl enough for a big gesture" formula :-)

    1. But I liked that Jemisin one :D
      THis is me and fantasy romance, I seldom really like them. I want epic

  4. This is the one I've read! I remember liking it. To be honest, both characters were pretty insufferable, but since it's a romance first and foremost I was able to forgive a lot. Besides, I don't often see a fantasy/romance with mages and stuff. And this was pretty hot :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Ha, yes they were!
      So you forgive in fantasy romance? I most often do not. I need a cool world and more

  5. I'm not sure this one would be for me. I do like the cover though :)

  6. It's hard not to compare. Still, you seem to like it... even if it isn't as much. That is still good. Happy Friday.

  7. I kinda remember your review on Radiance. This does sound like watered down compared to that.

  8. I read this one when it came out and I thought it was meh, that's why I didn't read Radiance when it was released. Your review convinced me to give Radiance a chance and I loved it. I couldn't believe it was the same author.

    1. I think I would have felt the same, I actually think I would have liked it less of I had not read radiance! Cos now I lived on what she could do

  9. Too bad! That cover - and the TITLE, if we're going into details :) - are both gorgeous. But the world-building, man... Like I said, too bad. I hope your weekend is going well, Linda <3

    1. I know, I adore the cover. Cool title too.

      Last day of vacation tomorrow, sigh

  10. Ah, the world-building is so important and it is hard after reading something that was outstanding

  11. Awwwe and I had high hopes. It sounds good and I looooove the cover

  12. Oh boy. This doesn't like it live up to your expectations. Boo.

  13. Bummer. Sorry it was not as good as the previous read. Oh well, on we go. Right?



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