Thursday 2 July 2015

The chocolate apothecary - Josephine Moon

Christmas Livingstone has formulated 10 top rules for happiness by which she tries very hard to live. Nurturing the senses every day, doing what you love, sharing joy with others are some of the rules but the most important for her is no. 10 - absolutely no romantic relationships!

Her life is good now. Creating her enchantingly seductive shop, The Chocolate Apothecary, and exploring the potential medicinal uses of chocolate makes her happy; her friends surround her; and her role as a fairy godmother to her community allows her to share her joy. She doesn't need a handsome botany ace who knows everything about cacao to walk into her life. One who has the nicest grandmother - Book Club Captain at Green Hills Aged Care Facility and intent on interfering - a gorgeous rescue dog, and who wants her help to write a book. She really doesn't need any of that at all.

Or does she?

My thoughts:
I warn you, you will want chocolate while reading this book. After you have read this book, hey even before starting this book.

Christmas owns a chocolate store, she makes the chocolate herself, and she loves it. But she does have her issues. A bad breakup and heartache makes her shy away from men.

Lincoln is a botanist, and he has studied the cocoa plant in South America. Now he is in Tasmania. To see his family, and to hear his gran tell him to settle down ;)

They meet, they start to write a book together. They do fancy each other, but she has her rules. No men. So this is not a romance. And I did wonder at times, will they, wont they? Will someone else show up? Seriously, I did not know! And I wont tell you ;) But I promise you, there will be a HEA.

And the chocolate! Oh my, the chocolate. It's not the store bought kind (even if I love it). It's the delicious, decadent, real chocolate. I wanted it, I wanted to visit this store and meet her. I needed chocolate.

The village was great, a nice set of characters. I liked Christmas and Lincoln, they did their mistakes, but they were knobbly human.

A sweet, chocolate filled story.

I need chocolate

Paperback, 384 pages
Published July 2nd 2015 by Allen & Unwin
Women's fiction/ romantic fiction
For review


  1. I need chocolate in my life all the time normally, so I can't even think about my cravings after reading this book!

    1. Mmm chocolate, I had some at the movies, bad me

  2. Chocolate and a character named Christmas. I may need this one.

  3. Well, even though this isn't really my genre, I can definitely tell you I crave chocolate now just looking at the cover!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  4. Foodie books are so awesome and so dangerous!

  5. Wait. Wait. Christmas and Lincoln?! Heck, sign me up!

  6. Oh it sounds like a nice one and well chocolate

  7. Sweet. :-) I'd like to hear about her medicinal uses of chocolate. Yum!

  8. Thank you, now I want chocolate. ;)

  9. Sounds fun and I love chocolate.

  10. Ah, chocolate! Perfect! Any excuse for having more of that works for me ;) This sounds really lovely, Linda. I enjoy books that make me crave pastries or anything sweet really :) Got a heck of a sweet tooth!

    1. I got one too, mmmmmm, sweets, chocolate, sigh

  11. I always want chocolate, so I will have to buy chocolate first, then read this book while eating it. It looks cute.

  12. LOL, I want it just from reading your said chocolate so many times I am drooling!!!

  13. I always want this book would be perfect!!



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