Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Devastating hate - Markus Heitz

They are the enemies of the dwarves and control the darkest magics, but even then power of the Alfar has its limits. To save their own people, they must enter into an unwinnable war. Sinthoras and Caphalor, two very different Alfar, watch as their plans come to fruition: the hidden land - the home of the dwarves - has fallen to their army of trolls, barbarians and Alfar, and now the lands of the hated elves are within their grasp. But the alliance is beginning to crumble as greed triumphs over obedience. And Sinthoras and Caphalor face another threat: an enemy from the empire of the Alfar, thought to be defeated, has resurfaced, and while their best warriors fight in the hidden land, the Alfar homeland lies almost defenceless.

My thoughts:
I do not know if I should like or hate the Älfar. They are monsters after all, but then again, they are good to each other, they just dislike every other race that is below them...right.

So you see, the Älfar are a hard race to like. They want to conquer, kill and make slaves of others. But at the same time they love arts and making art of disgusting things...right. They are proud, beautiful, deadly and evil. Yes, they are rather fascinating aren't they?

They are campaigning to take over the human lands and kill the elves. They have dark ones at their sides and there will be death and ruthlessness.

We will follow Sinthoras and Caphalor, evil and with good qualities in their way. Another smaller pov is a young mage trying to warn other of these monsters. Morana, an Älf trying to get people to join the Älfar and a few other POVs. All showing the Älfar darkness. 

They really should disappear as a people, can't they play nice?

But, that is not the only thing in this book. An old enemy of theirs show up and they will have their comeuppance. 

And at the end, what next? Oh they will continue to kill and conquer, just like before. Destruction to the end.


Paperback, 600
Published June 2015 by Quercus Publishing (first published August 2011)
Die Legenden der Albae #2


  1. The Alfar definitely sound intriguing in that "should I love to hate you" villainous type of way:)

  2. Seems like an interesting idea, but not one I necessarily want to read.

  3. Are you supposed to like them?? I don't mind evil/bad characters but not when authors try to make me like them and excuse the bad.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. He is not trying to excuse the bad, they are evil. But they are good too in their ways. It is up to reader whether you like them or not. I like them, evil bastards that they are. But I still want them all to die

  4. Replies
    1. Rats? I said something about rats? I must check, lol

  5. Complex characters......hmmmm interesting.

  6. Anything with elves I most likely will like. Even if you're unsure about this character, the plot sounds compelling enough

  7. As I read this review the Alfar they reminded me of a group who caused havoc in Paris!

    1. Poor Alfar. But that just makes them like everyone else who has fought a war then. Vikings, crusaders, certain WW powers

  8. Chick on the cover looks a bit cra-cra!

    1. I think that is Morana perhaps...she was cra cra and good

  9. Hmm the Alfar sound intimidating and complex.

    1. Just think of them as the Orcs of this world

  10. So the bad guys are the protagonists? Or at least the most prominent characters. Different and curious.

    1. That they are. But this is their series. The dwarves have had a series too

  11. I actually have the first book of this, which I still mean to read. I'm always kind of worried about translated stuff though.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I hear you, and that is why I do not read in my own language, where everything would be translated

  12. It's rare to have heroes like that but it's intriguing. CUrious about the next one.

  13. Never heard of this series but I think it's good. Checking it out on Goodreads for more! Thanks for putting it on my radar. ;)

    Yani at Paper Boulevard

  14. It sounds intriguing, but I'm not sure.


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