Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Pagan Night - Tim Akers

The Celestial Church has all but eliminated the old pagan ways, ruling the people with an iron hand. Demonic gheists terrorize the land, hunted by the warriors of the Inquisition, yet it’s the battling factions within the Church and age-old hatreds between north and south that tear the land apart. 

Malcolm Blakley, hero of the Reaver War, seeks to end the conflict between men, yet it will fall to his son, Ian, and the huntress Gwen Adair to stop the killing before it tears the land apart. The Pagan Night is an epic of mad gods, inquisitor priests, holy knights bound to hunt and kill, and noble houses fighting battles of politics, prejudice, and power. 

My thoughts:
This felt pretty old school and well, I love old school. Give me an epic story and I am all in.

We have a country that is really two countries. The south (those stuck up bastards!) and the north. The south wants a piece of the north.

Then we have the Church (arghhh the church!). See, there used to be peace with the land itself. Sure the old gods did a lot of damage but they also cared for the earth. And without them things are going badly, but the church is stupid and is all kill all pagans!!! So yes you do not want to be a pagan here, you will die. I really liked his take on the gheists, gods, nature. It was very nice, it made me connect with it all.

As for the story. We have a young man, Ian, who is waaaay too headstrong for his own good. His dad is a hero. And someone wants their help.

Then we have Gwen, another Lord's daughter, and one who hunts the bad things in the night. She on the other hand was very level headed for her age.

They have their own stories, doing their own things, and I cannot say more. Let's just say that all hell will break loose. And I do wonder where this story is going, very intriguing.

Good story.

looks weird

Paperback, 592 pages
Published January 19th 2016 by Titan Books
The Long Winter #1
For review


  1. Agreed about the cover - something's off there.

  2. That is definitely an intense cover! Suggests an epic story for sure:)

  3. Sounds full of action, glad you enjoyed!

  4. Good to hear you enjoyed and it had plenty of action

  5. Sounds like it was really good on many counts.

  6. Oy, North & South can never get along. ;) Cover guy looks crazy-angry but hot too.

  7. you know...I love epic stories and not many modern authors do them. But I love the old school style of them. Sounds like a good one.

    1. Old school is so awesome. Sometimes I just want to be swept away in an epic adventure

  8. Sounds good. There is no school like old school. :D

    1. LOL, well except for romance, I so can't do old school romance

  9. He looks terrifyingly angry. Lol.

  10. Epic! Religion can be such a bad thing sometimes

  11. I was afraid at church that it would be too much of that

  12. Almost 600 pages? Well, I guess that's normal for books of this genre nowadays. It definitely looks like one I would read. Great review!

  13. I love old school too, though sometimes it can go overboard, you know what I mean? I rather prefer the tongue in cheek throwbacks. And ha, that cover just screams "old school"!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  14. Oh, this one sounds good. I haven't read an old school fantasy like this in a while. Did you read the books of the Order by Pip Ballantine?

    1. Nope, I read that steampunk one and did not really like it so never read more by her :/

    2. OMG - you should TOTALLY read the ORDER series. It's four books. Fantasy. Nothing like the steampunk. I LOVE the ORDER series. First book is GEIST:

    3. I should totally check it out



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