Tuesday 29 August 2017

Pros and Cons and TMST: Long running series

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

This week's conversation starter:

August 29th: What are some long running series that you would like to try?

Honestly, they scare me! When I see those 16 series long books all I do is sigh. It's one thing jumping in when there are 3 books out but when there are that many, well I  fear they will go bad. Too many books, too little plot left. I just stay away from them. It would take a lot for me to try a series that has been going on for that long!

I did try that JD Robb series, ugh, book 1 sucked so I never gave it another go. It's also easier to just leave them when they are that long.

So I can not really say that there are any long running series I want to try.

Though when it comes to historical romance I am more willing to try them since there I just tend to jump in ;)

As a living descendant of Artemis the Huntress, private investigator Nikki Glass knows how to track someone down—but this time, her latest case leads to unexpected revelations of lies and betrayal...

My thoughts:
I did not realise my omnibus had a novella in it too. Cool.

In this one Nikki is on her own since she wants to avoid Anderson after what happened in book 2. So she takes a case where a woman needs to find this man. And it gets complicated.

I really can not say a lot. She solves the case. There is some danger.

A good novella.

ebook, 82 pages
Published February 25th 2013 by Pocket Star
Nikki Glass #2.5
Urban fantasy


  1. I actually love long running series and yes a few I've stopped because they got stale but most I gobble up every time a new book comes out. JD Robb's series is one I really like and I agree that book one lacked a few things but I usually give a new series a few books because in book one the author has so much to prepare her readers for. Great post as usual!

    1. But there are like 40! No, I just could not

  2. Actually, I think the more interesting question is how well do you do with reading a long-running series?

    I run out of steam at some point and just stop reading. Part of it is that, sooner or later, the quality of the series declines. Or I stop being able to care about the characters because of how unlikable, invincible, or repetitive they've become (Anita Blake, I'm looking at you for all of the above). Or there are too many cliffies (talking about you, Faefever series). Or the author kills off one of the characters I really care about and I get pissed (*glaring at the Hollows series by Kim Harrison*). Or the series just goes on and on and on and on (JD Robb, Lillian Jackson Braun) until I don't care anymore.

    Whew. :D

    1. True! I mean I love some long running ones, but at the same time I am all damn it! End already. Cos some do lose their charm, they might still be good, but they are not great

    2. Yeah. Like - just end that series, Janet Evanovich. It's long past time.

  3. I actually do love big series, some of my favorite series are the really big ones. But I think it can be intimidating if there a lot of them.

  4. I'm totally intimidated by series that are already over 10 books and going strong.

    The ones I listed today were bought years ago when the series were just starting out.

    I rarely even look to start ANY series these days. They always run out of steam and I feel like I wasted years of my life lol

    I don't really count the romance ones ones where you can jump in at any point or skip several without a problem.
    For What It's Worth

    1. LOL, that explains why you only had like 4 MacgUire ones ;)

  5. I am tackling a few myself. Psy-Changeling and Immortals After Dark. I am in the twenties with J.D. Robbs series.

    1. >And I just started that new Psy one and have not even finished the old ones

  6. If I started a series from its initial release then I will stick it with providing it maitains its momentum. However for series that has ten books or more, which I have not started don't think I will be reading those anytime

  7. I've been reading the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton as well as the Dark series from Christine Feehan.

  8. I have been trying so hard this year not to start any new series! I am already in the middle of a million! (Only a slight exaggeration!)

  9. There are a few I'd like to start but to be honest, if I see a long running series, I get intimidated. Lol.

  10. Getting into a long running series is daunting, I did do the Robb books over a couple of years and did like the character development. And I have read through others as well, just depends how good they are.

  11. There are a couple long series I would like to try, mostly the big UF ones like Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock, Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels, Kim Harrison's The Hollows. I think a couple of those might be done now, thank goodness, so I might actually have a chance of catching up...one day! :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  12. I had one series fail and I stopped reading at book five when the storyline didn't change much- skipped to book ten and I swear it read like the book five one that I DNF'd.

    But, I've also had good luck starting the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and getting caught up, same for Eileen Wilks' World of the Lupi, Nalini Singh's Pys-Changeling, and I just finished up Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorates (only five of those). It is intimidating at the beginning, but if its good, I just get lost in the writing and eventually get through to being caught up or finished. I do have the first five JD Robb's In Death and I confess this series does intimidate since I'm looking at it all the way into the 40s plus novellas. LOL

    1. LOL. Kind of like those horrid Evanovich books I keep on reading, sigh

  13. I agree long series scare me as well if I didn' start from the begining

  14. I have a few long running series that I do enjoy but it is hard to just jump in when there are already so many books. That JD Robb series would take forever to read!

  15. I will only tackle long-running series via audiobooks now. That's how I tried Dresden Files and Iron Druid (I know you saw all those reviews!!). Next up I plan to try the Jane Yellowrock series - again, via audiobook.

    1. I thought they never would end, lol, I mean there were just so many! ;)

  16. I'm not a huge fan of long series either. I always tend to get bored by the 3rd book.

  17. Long series scare me too. Especially if there are already a few books in there.

  18. I wind up binge listening to new to me series via audiobooks! :)

  19. Long series? Def not for me. I get bored after 3-4 installments and ditch them in no time. I can tolerate up to 5-6 parts.

  20. *gasp* You hated Eve and Roarke?!! They are the BEST couple ever!

    I don't mind long series, obviously. lol



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