Thursday, 16 August 2018

Graphic Novel: Haunted - Cemetery Girl

Paperback, 120 pages
Published August 9th 2018 by Jo Fletcher Books
The Cemetery Girl Trilogy #3
Thriller /Paranormal 
for review

My thoughts:
I do not read many graphic novels a year so I am not sure, but at least here I have never come across the format of this one. It was like a trade paperback size? And I loved it! It was the perfect size for reading, much better than those bigger ones.

I also came in at book 3, but they had done it really well and I did not feel like I had missed much other than the obvious. Calexa being killed and dumped in the cemetery. Her living there. 2 people dying and going into her (well that sounds freaky)! And it seems meeting some old man and his son and that son getting hurt (and there are obvi feelings between Calexa and the son).

And with that the story began. Someone still wants her dead, but why?
A PI is asking questions and wanting to find her, but can he be trusted?
Winter is coming! Which is bad since she lives in a cemetery ;)

Last thoughts:
A nice conclusion to a series (yes yes I did not read them all), but I am glad a conclusion came. I wanted answers too and now I can not say more cos spoilers.

Great artwork too. That is all that counts for me.

Calexa Rose Dunhill died once, just for a moment - but now someone wants her dead permanently

The shocking conclusion to Cemetery Girl by Charlaine Harris, no. 1 bestselling creator of Sookie Stackhouse, and Christopher Golden, bestselling co-creator of Baltimore.

They call her the Ghost of Dunhill Cemetery, but most people think 'the Cemetery Girl' is just a story. In some ways, that's true. Her chosen name is Calexa Rose Dunhill, but she doesn't know her real name. When she first arrived here, all she knew was that someone had tried to murder her: they'd dumped her body and left her for dead. Calexa has been hiding out here, afraid to seek out her true identity for fear that her would-be murderer would find her and finish the job. And someone is searching for her . . . a man named Salazar, who holds the key that will unlock the secrets of Calexa's past.

Calexa has new secrets as well, including the fact that she was murdered: she did die, if only for a moment - but in that moment, something changed inside her. Now, if someone dies near her, their spirit is drawn to Calexa, drawn into her. It has happened twice before, but now, as her worst fears come true and the killers have found her trail, the third ghost to take up residence in Calexa's soul will change everything.

The Cemetery Girl's story is about to reach a shocking conclusion! 


  1. Thanks Blodeuedd I've never read a Graphic Novel before

  2. I don’t read many graphic novels either. I am glad that you picked this up and weren’t lost and that you had fun with it.

  3. I have a copy of the first book that I grabbed at the dollar store. Glad you liked this one. I should probably pick up the one that I have.

  4. I think I read like one a year myself lol

  5. Oh I remember the first one. It was the first graphic novel that I have ever reviewed too. I didn't know the next two books are out! Can't say I recall much of what happened in the story though.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. And I did not now about the two first ones either ;)

  6. I think I could like this series!

  7. LOL! You crack me up reading the third book and doing great. I haven't picked up a graphic novel recently, but I do like them when they are from writers I already enjoy in regular print or audio.

    1. I am glad it worked, and they had done it well

  8. I don't really read Graphic novels either. I picked up on for my daughter that looks really interesting, so I may steal it and read it now.


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