Tuesday, 14 August 2018

TMST: Long running series

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

August 14th: At what point do you think a series has gone on too long?

Short answer: When they start to suck...

Long Answer: I can not say a number. A kind of magical number seems to be around 7. Some start at 5. Some series should not be dragged out. One I really enjoyed got to be a chore and they keep on coming but I stopped reading.

Others I tried to keep up with even though they are not as good, cos at least they are ending.

But yes, it is sad when they start to drag. When there is nothing new. When the main pov runs around for an entire book and accomplishes nothing. When the love story draaaaaags, I mean just hook up!

I get that you want to keep on writing cos the series is loved, but I would rather end on a yay note, than on a well thank you gods that it is finally finished!!!


  1. like and agree with your short answer, enough said!

  2. This one is just so dependent on the series and the author! It's really easy to tell when they've gone on too long, but yeah, harder to tell when they're about to head that way but haven't yet.

    1. Some just suddenly feel like fillers and it comes out of the blue

  3. There's a few of series that I'm surprised continue to stay fresh after so many books: Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega also by Patricia Briggs. But yes, it's a bummer if the series goes on past the story being good.

    1. I did feel the Mercy books had a bump in the road, the Kate ones too, but then they got good again

  4. I mean...however long it takes to tell the story but quit before the books between are filler or you're just repeating everything over and over would be my answer.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Yes, stop with the fillers! That killed the Darynda Jones series for me :/

  5. I agree with you that the number depends on the series. There isn't a magic number for me- it all depends on the characters and the story-line. :)

  6. So hard! The Pink Carnation books ended perfectly. Just as they were going to get stale. Stephanie Plum - it's time to retire.

  7. Ha Ha! When they start to suck, exaclty. Well said.

  8. JUMP THE SHARK?! (are you familiar with that term?).

    I don't think there is a definite answer, but if the books get repetitive, or the world (mythology) grows too large and unmanageable... time to end. Some series do a great job of keeping things fresh and moving forward (Psy-Changeling by Nalini) and I don't see a need to end. Some series have a specific story arc and should end after that. Tough call.

    1. I know it :)

      You got me thinking. PNR seem to be better at going on longer, maybe cos they change couples. Cos for me the couple itself in for example UF gets tedious. Sometimes it takes books for them to get together, which is fine. But then when silly obstacles are put in their way it's just, let them be!

  9. I think I just burn out, even if the writing is still good. Like the J. D. Robb series, they are really good and I love the characters and I will go back, but not for awhile.

    1. Maybe that is what happens to me when others still love them and for me it gets to be a chore

  10. When they start to suck... would be my answer too!

  11. I don't think there is an actual number to be honest, I think when the books start to fail and not be interesting is when they should stop.

  12. I agree with you. When the story lines and characters start to get stale then it's time to end.

  13. I know right, this is a question that doesn't really have a clear cut answer. I would, however, agree wholeheartedly with "when they start to suck" lol! It could be 3, it could be 6, it could be 20 books, if it feels right it feels right. But when a series starts to wear out its welcome, you can definitely tell.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  14. I would rather a series end than start to drag. I think the longest series I stuck with was Anita Blake. I think it is at 27 now. I think I stopped at 23.

    I agree that it can vary how long a series should be. I've read some that I thought were perfect at 3 books. I've read others that are at 12 and still going strong. I think it just depends. I think ending the series and doing a spin off is a great way to keep a world going strong without getting stale.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. I stopped with Plum on 23. I recently saw 24 but i just could not. Not anymore

      Spin offs instead of dragging it out sounds great

  15. Yep! That is exactly when I 'should' end my reading, but I am guilty of keeping with a series far past the point I should.

  16. Some authors cannot let go.

  17. I completely agree with your short answer. Nothing is worse that have a series that was once loved end poorly.


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