Thursday, 9 August 2018

Wrath of Empire - Brian McClellan

Paperback, 639 pages
Published May 15th 2018 by Orbit
Gods of Blood and Powder #2

My thoughts:
I really do not know whats with me and military fantasy, but I really do like it. Hey, who know! Well I did, since I have read a lot by now. I mean, this is so not for everyone. That I understand.

So, obvi you should read book 1 first, I mean this is fantasy, do not be an idiot..

Michel is infiltrating the Dynize so there we get spying and politics in the background.

Mad Ben is riding around with his lancers, and dang, I like him. They do have a mission and they kick a lof of Dynize butt on the way.

Taniel and Ka-Poel are being sneaky. In this book we get more of Ka-Poel and I finally understand her and I like her.

Vlora is trying to protect civilians and kicks butts along the way. Well, sure, not butts, more like raise your bayonets and ride down these pesky invaders.

We get battles, a hunt for the Godstones, saving people and trying to keep this country together cos it sure is falling to pieces.

While I read it I was all, yes this is a good book, but is it great? But then I finished it and was all, well yes it is great cos he is one fine author. He writes people and weaves some great plots. And now I look forward to more cos damn, these people be crazy!


The country is in turmoil. With the capital city occupied, half a million refugees are on the march, looking for safety on the frontier, accompanied by Lady Flint's soldiers. But escaping war is never easy, and soon the battle may find them, whether they are prepared or not.

Back in the capital, Michel Bravis smuggles even more refugees out of the city. But internal forces are working against him. With enemies on all sides, Michael may be forced to find help with the very occupiers he's trying to undermine.

Meanwhile, Ben Styke is building his own army. He and his mad lancers are gathering every able body they can find and searching for an ancient artifact that may have the power to turn the tides of war in their favor. But what they find may not be what they're looking for. 


  1. You crack me up with the beginning of this review. LOL Glad you enjoyed this book.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

  2. Haha! I love this review. And DUH! it's fantasy... start at the first book people!

  3. I love these types of fantasy reads too Blodeuedd but I just wish they'd have more books in the series/trilogy instead of 639 pages LOL. Nice review thanks

  4. lol There are a lot of times I may not be loving a book while I'm reading but appreciate it more when I'm done.

    I don't think I've even heard of military fantasy but then again I'm not a big fantasy reader.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It really hit me afterwards, and it's not that it ever was bad, but it hit me how great it was :)

  5. "These people be crazy." LOL I love your reviews.

  6. These people be crazy sums it up nicely. Sounds intriguing.

  7. Haven't tried a military fantasy before

  8. This put a smile on my face. This sounds like a very well done series.

  9. Looks good, from the cover.

  10. I'm loving this series. The only parts I didn't really like as much in this book was Michel's, but only because I'm not as crazy for that spy stuff. Love love love Vlora though. She's the best!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I liked his stuff, I seem to like spy stuff ;) Also when he met someone crazy hehe

  11. Not a genre I've read but I'm glad you liked it!

  12. Military fantasy can be fun.


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