Thursday, 2 August 2018

Treasure and Treason - Lisa Shearin

Print, 263 pages
Published November 15th 2016
Raine Benares #8

My thoughts:
Hmmm, I liked it, but, no it was not as good as the Raine series, yes this is still that series, but at the same time not. As it has a new POV.

Now it's Tam's turn and I was all for that (Raine should SO be with him, and not that boring Mychael, boooooo, Team Tam!!!) But, were the Raine books in first person? Cos this was and it felt weird...
ALso way too little of Phaelan, maybe he should have gotten his book. I just felt Tam was not evil enough. He was so dark in the series and here he was like..nice. Ugh. Nice, right so dull.

Ok so bad peeps want a stone. Oh and invaders from another plane! A lot to take care of. Tam to the rescue!

It was a nice little adventure, do not get me wrong. But it just did not pack the same funny punch as the previous books. I want more goblins more evil and Phaelan was not even in pirate mode!

Still a nice book, but could have been more.

Freaking awesome

Blurb: Hidden for millennia in a legendary city on an uninhabited continent, the Heart of Nidaar can harness the forces of nature itself. In the wrong hands, the artifact is a weapon that can command the power of the earth and seas to destroy all life. Just the type of power a sinister goblin brotherhood finds irresistible. In their hands, kingdoms will be forced to surrender to their rule. 
Chief mage (and nearly rehabilitated practitioner of black magic) Tamnais Nathrach is the perfect goblin duke to stop them. Along with elf pirate Phaelan Benares, these two have a roguish plan to sail to Aquas and snatch the Heart of Nidaar before it can fall into the wrong hands. After all, stealing hearts is what these two do best. Who cares if goblins and elves have been in a near constant state of war for centuries? This common enemy is enough motivation for some teamwork and a little professional competition.
Perhaps Tamnais and Phaelan have forgotten one small fact. Expeditions that sail to the continent of Aquas never return. It’s a blighted wasteland filled with creatures from nightmare and Tamnais might have failed to mention that the Heart has guardians, an ancient race willing to use deadly force to keep themselves and the artifact hidden. Alliances are tested, courage is challenged, and nothing less than the future of all life in the Seven Kingdoms is at stake in the deadliest—and most competitive—treasure hunt of all time. 


  1. This one seems popular in my stream, now I'm pursuaded to check it out. Hopefully the next one will be better as you seem to love the other series featuring a different POV

  2. It does sound really good and I agree. I like the cover tons.

  3. I liked her other series but I don't think I knew about this one

  4. That does sounds like good fun and I love that cover.

  5. I've only ever tried her SPI series. I need to try some others. I like this cover too. :-)

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. For some reason I was not a fan of that one :/ Weird. But then I did not do audio ;)

  6. Haven't tried this author before, you think I'd like the other books??

  7. I have only read her SPI Files series...which I should probably catch up on first, lol. But this looks interesting!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. The cover is amazing! Sorry the book was a little disappointing- hopefully more evil in the next one. :)

  9. I loved the SPI series when it first came out, but not sure if I'll continue, which makes me hesitant to start this series. I know you really like, tho.

    1. I say read the first 7--no 6 in this series and skip the new spin off

  10. I am always a bit disappointed when a dark/bad character turns out all nice!

  11. Sorry this one wasn't as good as you had hoped it would be. I do love that cover!


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