Tuesday, 7 August 2018

TMST Rereads

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

 August 7th: For those who don’t have time to reread series, what would you reread when you found the time? 

I think about rereading a lot. But I do not have the time! I do not always feel like rereading a whole series, but just reading book 1 would be fine with me.

 If I was to reread then my first pick would be Magician! I have reread it 8 times, but that was long ago :/

This is another one that I have reread a lot, but again, not in a while. But at least this one was in the last 10 years when I re.read the whole series. So at least this first one.

I have never read these in English! That is one reason why I would like to reread them. I read them long long ago in Swedish before I started to read in English. I loved them then, and would I still? Who knows. That is why I want to reread them.

I think I will stick with these, sure there are others I would be curious about, but these are the ones I am often thinking of re.reading.


  1. I've never been much of a re-reader but I used to read Little Women and The Diary of Anne Frank every few years.

  2. I don't reread that much anymore, but I do reread pretty much anything by Ilona Andrews. Usually I read the books and then re-read by listening to the audiobooks. In fact, I'm "re-reading" some of the Kate Daniels audiobooks in preparation for the final book coming out later this month.

    1. That would be fun! Awww yes I would love to re.read

  3. I've only reread two books when it had been a long time and Id forgotten a lot and wanted to refresh before reading the 3rd in the series

    1. I have no time for books like that even though I should

  4. It's been so long since I've reread series I wonder if they would feel new to me lol I've read 100's and 100's of books since then.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  5. Yeah I wish I had more time to reread. If I did though, I think I would reread A Song of Ice and Fire. Not as if the next book will be coming out anytime soon though, lol.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  6. oh I haven't read any there

  7. I love to reread - sadly I still haven't read either those Hobb books or Jordan. On my long list of books to read though. I'm thinking about an HP reread. I just can't decide if I can bear to read #5 again so I might just read the last book.

  8. I often think rereading would be great, especially the books I really loved. But I rarely do, I need to make a year or even a month of it!!

  9. I haven’t read any of your series. Must try them. Sorry I have been absent again. Got rid of company after two weeks. I have my house back! Such a cute picture of your little one. She is getting so big!

    1. That is long for company to stay! We did not stay that long at SO's brother, would have gotten crazy lol

  10. I don't think I've ever re-read anything yet. Though, I have to agree with you on Magician. I loved that book!

  11. I just don't re-read at this point. I used to read The Great Gatsby every few years but not anymore.

    1. It's sad, I mean I loved it, but then again, there are so many new ones I want to discover

  12. I'm a re-reader, I enjoy it. The only series I re-read was Harry Potter. I think that will be the only series I ever re-read.
    Awww...the baby :)

    1. I look forward to rereading that one with S one day :)

  13. The Assassins series by Hobb were quite good, as I recall, and I loved her writing. Man she was tough on Fitz though. :) And I enioyed Magician!

  14. I have done some re-reads, and either loved the book all over again or been disappointed. So little time for re-reads now, though. If I do it's usually by audio that I do a re-read. Is that your cat on a leash? So well behaved! Lovely scenery to enjoy as a family! :)

    1. Hehe yes and she is holding it ;) Well SO helps.

  15. Great question and I don't know what I would re-read. I have the time but not the inclination. Too many new reads out there.

    1. I just saw another book on my shelf that I wanna readread

  16. I don't reread that often, either. I just read a book in Karen Chance's Midnight's Daughter series and I wish I had done a reread since it had been a few years and I couldn't remember how things were left off.
    And, yes, some series I read years ago or am so far along the series- these I would love to read at least the first one again.

    Ah, love the pick of the family walk.

  17. There are only 2 books I'll reread for some reason - The Master (book 2) and The Player (book 3) by Kresley Cole. I am now really wanting to listen to them again *sigh*

    1. This post brings back all the feels for books I want to reread

  18. I haven't read any of these. I do think it would be interesting to read a series in different languages. My list of revisits would be long. So many great series out there that I just want to spend more time with the characters.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. They used to suck, the translations that is, esp with fantasy

  19. I love re-reading books. I have so many unread books that I can't really say that I have the time but I do enjoy it so I do it anyway. Baby S is getting so big!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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