Sunday, 2 September 2018

Carole's Sunday Review: The Heiress Effect

Author: Courtney Milan

Narrator: Rosalyn Landor
Title: The Heiress Effect (Brothers Sinister #2)
Genre: Historical Romance
Pages: Audiobook
Published:  July 15th 2013
Where I Got It: My shelf (Audible)

Miss Jane Fairfield can’t do anything right. When she’s in company, she always says the wrong thing—and rather too much of it. No matter how costly they are, her gowns fall on the unfortunate side of fashion. Even her immense dowry can’t save her from being an object of derision.

And that’s precisely what she wants. She’ll do anything, even risk humiliation, if it means she can stay unmarried and keep her sister safe.

Mr. Oliver Marshall has to do everything right. He’s the bastard son of a duke, raised in humble circumstances—and he intends to give voice and power to the common people. If he makes one false step, he’ll never get the chance to accomplish anything. He doesn’t need to come to the rescue of the wrong woman. He certainly doesn’t need to fall in love with her. But there’s something about the lovely, courageous Jane that he can’t resist... even though it could mean the ruin of them both.

I read book 1 with Blodeuedd and discussed it with her. I remember it being good. Was that last year? Ugh. I cannot recall, but yes, I enjoyed it. 

This was a freebie so why not? 

This story follows Oliver Marshall who is the bastard son of a duke. He was raised to do everything right to make up for his bastard status. He meets Jane who does what she wants and will risk her own name and self-dignity to save her sister. No two people could be more different...but are they really different underneath it all? 

I loved Jane. I loved how much she didn't give a rat's ass about the ton. She wore obnoxious dresses and talked loud. She laughed loud and enjoyed herself. There are times she has to go overboard to keep the men at bay. She must avoid marriage until her sister is old enough to get away from their annoying uncle. It is a gamble, because some men would look past all of this to get to her fortune. This was an interesting and original story. I loved all the characters...especially the side characters like Emily and her boo. 

Poor Emily! What a terrible uncle!!!!!! Ugh. I just wanted her to run away and be free. 

I felt for Oliver too and for Jane, but Emily had the worst of it. Yes, Jane and Oliver deserve happiness and love, but Emily for sure needed it. Her romance was unexpected and I liked it. I will not even spoil it here!! So good. I wonder if there is a short story with just the two of them in the beginning of their romance...mhmmm

I really must read more by this author. She is pretty good. Even though this is a romance, there is so much more at play here. A good story. A good romance. A good book. 

The narrator was really good too. I highly enjoyed listening to her. She really made each character stand out. You could tell who was talking. 

In the end, I shall give this 5 stars. Very good. I am curious to see what is next. 


  1. Oh it was a feebie? Nice! It's one I wanted to read as well

  2. Sounds like you really liked this one. I love the dress on the cover.

  3. I struggled with the first Courtney Milan book I read because it just didn't capture my interest, but I would give her another try. This one sounds good.

  4. I really need to read Courtney M. I love her on Twitter.

  5. I have a bunch of this author's books that I have downloaded as freebies but I don't think that I have actually read any of them yet. Sounds like I should give her a try.

    1. I had a freebie and that is how I started reading her books too.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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