Monday, 3 September 2018

Exile of the Seas - Jeffe Kennedy

Kindle Edition, 206 pages
Expected publication: September 4th 2018 by Rebel Base Books
Series: The Chronicles of Dasnaria #2, The Twelve Kingdoms Complete Universe [publication order] #9
For review

My thoughts
To be honest, from this titles I expected more sea time and maybe pirates, I mean sea is in the title too.

Anyway, Jenna is fleeing her evil husband and she knows she needs to learn tot take care of herself. Not easy for a woman who do not know what money is, or anything else.

She meets a friend (ohh name dropping, nice!).

And moves further and further away. She learns to fight, and I am certain she will learn to love again too. Gosh, I sure hope so!

But, it is a novella, and I do feel like book 1 and 2 could have been one book. I haaaaaaate waiting, and now i have to wait again!! Luckily the blurb for book 3 was up so I could get an inkling to what was happening. Of course I always want to move forward in time to where the other books take place and see how it all turned out. Aarghh, I haaaate waiting!

Truly a book of finding yourself and raising above everything you were taught.

Once she was known as Jenna, Imperial Princess of Dasnaria, schooled in graceful dance and comely submission. Until the man her parents married her off to almost killed her with his brutality.

Now, all she knows is that the ship she’s boarded is bound away from her vicious homeland. The warrior woman aboard says Jenna’s skill in dancing might translate into a more lethal ability. Danu’s fighter priestesses will take her in, disguise her as one of their own—and allow her to keep her silence.

But it’s only a matter of time until Jenna’s monster of a husband hunts her down. Her best chance to stay hidden is to hire out as bodyguard to a caravan traveling to a far-off land, home to beasts and people so unfamiliar they seem like part of a fairy tale. But her supposed prowess in combat is a fraud. And sooner or later, Jenna’s flight will end in battle—or betrayal . . . (less)


  1. I liked this one but I prefered the first one

  2. So is it getting any lighter yet? I haven't read either, but I recall the reviews of the first saying it was dark.

    1. I did not think it was that dark in the first place, I have read grimdark...that shit is dark

  3. I do need to give this author a try.

  4. Yep, I would have expected more sea time and pirates too - you can't give me a cover like that and not deliver!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. Soon soon soon, I will read this author's books. Sorry you're left waiting for the next one.

  6. I like the idea of this story, but I'm not sure of it being a novella. The cover really fooled me too! Hugs...RO

  7. Well the fact you hate waiting for the next one, that is a very good recommendation for this one!


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