Tuesday, 4 September 2018

TMST: Required Reading

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

September 4th: Back to School: What were some of your favorite required reading books in school?

We did not have any require reading. Not in elementary school, we read whatever we wanted. Not in High School, if we read whatever we wanted.

In Uni we had some required reading, cos I took lit classes. But it was so long ago! I did fall totally in love with Jane Eyre, wonderful book! I should have read it earlier.

And I took this read 10 books and write about them class. I read them over a summer, but I can not remember which ones! I remember lots of thought provoking ones, I wish I had GR back then. Leguin, Atwood, aargh, this annoys me now! Anyway, Jane Eyre...Jane Eyre :)


  1. It's been so long since I've had required reading that I can't really remember what we read. I do remember loving 1984 and The Catcher in the Rye.

  2. I don't remember any of my required reading. It was so long ago! lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  3. We didn't have any required reading until High School and I was not a reader back then so I hated everything LOL :)

  4. When I was little I remember that Beatrice was the ones we were reading but otherwise I don't know

  5. I have not read that! We were required to read lots of books in High School. In college I took lit classes, so I read them but I did so willingly. hahaha

  6. Same - don't remember any of the required reading!

  7. I actually did not enjoy much required reading in school. I love reading, but it's so different when you're forced to do it!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. I loved Jane Eyre! There's only one re-telling that I like as much as the original. :)

  9. I had required reading starting in Jr. High and through High School and College, but I can only remember a very few.

    Love Jane Eyre, too, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't required reading for me. Too bad! :)

    1. Too bad! It made me fall in love and then I read it 3 times that class, lol

  10. I tried Jane Eyre twice, but never got through it. I should give it one my shot.

    1. I can't promise I would still love it if I read it again ;)

  11. I had a lot of required reading and it really turned me off of reading for a bit. I am not a fan of classics so it was not an enjoyable activity.

  12. I don't think I cared for any of the required reading books lol

  13. One book that always stuck with me was I AM THE CHEESE by Robert Cormier, which I read in maybe 7th grade? In college I took a literature class that focused on Science Fiction. That was awesome.


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