Tuesday, 25 September 2018

TMST: Love your Library

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

September 25th: Love Your Library Post
I meant to do a cool post, and then suddenly it was the 24th!

When I could put S on my bike, and when she could walk we started going to this library which is the closest to were we live. 15 min by bike. I am trying to make her love the library like I do but for now she loves it more to say hi and wave to the librarians :) This was the library I went to as a kid and well you never forget your first library!

Of course when I was little I went to the bookmobile cos that one came close by, but going to the real library always felt like a treat

(photo taken by Korsholms Bibliotek)

I always feel joy going to a new library. And even though town is really close I had not been before I went to high school.


Heaven! Now I seldom go there, instead I browse their catalog and order books that come to the bookmobile I can pick them up. Since we live close to the city limit it stops only a 10 min walk from us. I am just so rarely to town anymore and I love that I can do it this way. They are the best!

(photo by Vaasa Library)

Reasons to Love My libraries:
  1. They listen to requests. And I have requested a LOT of books that they then have bought.
  2. I like that I can request a book and go and pick it up at the bookmobile since that is closer to me. Before you had to pay for that but now it is free
  3. I love that I have 2 libraries that are close to me. And that one has a bookmobile close too. The other one does not but that is cos we live so close to that library.
  4. I love that I can borrow books. I love books, but to buy them all would leave me poor as a church mouse.
  5. I love how friendly librarians are.
  6. Go visit your local library today!


  1. Fabulous post from one library advocate to another. I love my library, I volunteer for them and used to sit on the board of directors. xo

  2. That's great that you have a bookmobile that will bring books closer to you. I work not far from my library, so I can swing by real quick on lunch or right after work before I head home. There is one about 10 minutes drive from my house too. Glad to see that S is already loving the library.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. I'd love to visit the bigger one more often, but, eh, I get the ones I want this way too and going to town, gosh I am lately these days

  3. Totally agree that the library is the best! Like you, it's cool that there are libraries near me, and they've grown accustomed to the books I read, and they don't mind ordering books they don't have from other places. I also agree that we can sure save a ton of money! There are some books that I still purchase, but more and more I've been going the library route. Great post! Hugs...RO

    1. Usually I try new books through the library, and then of course I read the rest there cos sometimes they do not order more if someone does not remind them

  4. I love that you go to the library you went to as a kid. I wonder if the one I went to is even open still. My elementary school library was my favorite.

    1. Oh we had one there too :D Awww the feels! I miss my school library. It as tiny and had crappy books and I loved it

  5. Sounds great! Do either of the libraries near you do children's programming? Ours have all sorts of story times, movies, craft times, etc. for the young kiddos. Plus it has puppets for loan and a section with just board books (first books for babies). Yea!

    1. Alas no :/ They do not have a lot. They have storytime at the closest one and that is it. The bigger one has storytime, gameroom, and other things. Not that S can sit through an entire story yet anyway ;)

  6. I have similar special memories of going to the library when I was a kid! It was a Big Deal back then to go really anywhere, and the library was the best.

    I am SO spoiled, because the Hennepin County Library system (where I live) is award winning and just generally wonderful. I love that they have ebooks and use Overdrive, too.

    1. I still remember summer vacation and my mum taking me and it was the best!!!!

  7. I used to but not so much anymore.

  8. I love how libraries have developed over time too and all the services they provide. Growing up there was no library close and I was just so sad about that. There were some shelves of books at school and I read all those but... not that many! Yay for libraries.

    1. OH that is sad! :/ Everyone should be close to a library. Or at least a book mobile :)

  9. I <3 my library. I didn't know until a few months back that you could request books and they might buy them lmao I still haven't done it but I will some day :D

    1. Oh do try it! Best thing ever if they listen

  10. I do love the library! I pass my local library every day on my day to work so when I request something it is really easy to pick up my items. I don't browse as often as I used to but it is still a favorite place to visit.

    1. That's good :D
      I love browsing even if I never get anything

  11. This summer, my library was a godsend. My oldest had just finished kindergarten and I wanted her to keep up her reading skills over the break, so every week we would go to the library and pick up new books for, and both she and her sisters can spend some time to play. Support your local libraries, folks! :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Yes support your local libraries!
      Everyone do not realize how needed they are

  12. When I first moved here, there was no library and we had to drive to a bigger city to use the library. Then, about ten years ago, we got a library. It's not huge, but I love it and yes, they can borrow from other libraries for me. :)

    The library I went to as a child was all the way across country. I just went on line to check and yay! It is still there and open- a small county library outside the city. :) Good memories!

    1. Yay for getting a library! Even if small :) Omg that first time must have been great, all those new books, lol

  13. My local library sucks and they absolutely ignore requests so I got a card at another library. It has a better selection and I just put in a few requests so we'll see what happens!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Hopefully good things!
      Woot, they just ordered a book I wanted


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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