Friday, 28 February 2020

Blood of Empire by Brian McClellan

592 pages
Published December 3rd 2019 by Orbit
Series: Gods of Blood and Powder #3

These really should be read close to each other. Even a year between felt too long.

Honestly, so much is happening. How can I even talk about a book 3?

Ok, so, there is this place, one country is there looking out for their interests. Another country is there grabbing for land. Everyone is fighting everyone. And one guy is trying to become a god.

Ugh, why is this so hard! I mean everything I say is a spoiler.

Ok so spy guy was nice. I like a good spy. Lady Flint is always cool

We get more Dynize, and I realise I have forgotten what a dragonman is..see this is why you can't wait too long between books. Devour this series at once!

War, magic, politics. I do like McClellan's books, even if this review is a total mess. He is a great writer and this made me want to re-read his first trilogy. Like I have time to re-read! But there seems to be another new series on the horizon so hurrah for that. SInce yes this was the end of this, I will miss them all

The Dynize have unlocked the Landfall Godstone, and Michel Bravis is tasked with returning to Greenfire Depths to do whatever he can to prevent them from using its power; from sewing dissension among the enemy ranks to rallying the Palo population.

Ben Styke's invasion of Dynize is curtailed when a storm scatters his fleet. Coming ashore with just twenty lancers, he is forced to rely on brains rather than brawn - gaining new allies in a strange land on the cusp of its own internal violence.

Bereft of her sorcery and physically and emotionally broken, Lady Vlora Flint now marches on Landfall at the head of an Adran army seeking vengeance against those who have conspired against her. While allied politicians seek to undo her from within, she faces insurmountable odds and Dynize's greatest general. 


  1. Yes forgetting important things while waiting for the next epic book to come out is one reason I love it when an author includes a short catch up mini chapter. Thanks for sharing

    1. I kind of hate the short catch ups which is weird! Because they are a reminder

  2. Sounds like you liked this and that's always good.

  3. Sometimes it's fun to just enjoy the book and not worry about remembering all the details.

    I like spies (& assassins!) too.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

  4. I don't like it when there's a year between books, especially when it's a complicated plot! I can't remember the details. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    1. I mean I get it, a book takes time! But alas my brain

  5. This is on my March TBR...gotta get to it before it gets buried under even more 2020 releases!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  6. Sounds like a blast! Waiting can be soooo hard. I try to take notes so I remember when the next book comes out, but sometimes I don't pick up on what is important to the author.

  7. I'm glad you are enjoying this series so much.

  8. Yess waiting is always bad ;)

  9. I always forget what happened in the previous books if I have to wait very long for the next one. I haven't heard of this series.


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